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  1. Thank you so much for going to the trouble! I think I figured out what I used to do: I would turn the image b & w and then bump up the contrast. Then, I would make another project, but MUCH larger. Then I would copy the image, paste it into the new project and stretch the image to fit the new project. Enlarging it in this way really smooths out the edges, so typically if you bump up the contrast AGAIN, you're good, but if it's particularly tiny and pixelated like the image attached, you can use the blur blend and then run it through the brightness/ contrast again. Renders a very nice, smoothed out project. Thank you so much for chiming in and taking the time to dispense your expertise!
  2. I appreciate you upholding that standard. I would love to update, but every time I have in the past, I lost all of my fav fonts! Can you recommend how I can ameliorate this situation? Thanks.
  3. I downloaded AA's Assistant and it's simply not functioning in my version of paint.net (I haven't updated in a while because the last time I did I lost all my fonts). Blur blend isn't cutting it - making things way to large and smooth - I'm losing all my detail... For some reason Feather didn't get downloaded with my plugin pack. Weird! Tried the AA with the Gausian blur - That's when I discovered AA wasn't working for me for whatever reason. I've attached the image I'm trying to alter above if you're curios. thank you for chiming in.
  4. You are absolutely right. Here is the image. I used to smooth stuff out all the time with just paint . net's stock stuff, but I can't for the life of me remember what I used to do. Have tried every combination of everything.
  5. I used to have this hack, but I can't for the life of my figure out what it was - Been trying for the last half hour or so. It was something I did with distorting the image or blurring it or something and then upping the contrast - I can't remember... Anybody have a quick tip on how to smooth out an overly pixelated image - small image where the pixels are just too big and chunky?? Thank you.
  6. Brilliant!! Thank you soo much! Never would've thought of that myself!
  7. Okay, so I'm not sure this is possible, and it's a little weird, but here goes: I'm making these symmetrical images on paper (Rorschachs). I'm then scanning them into paint.net, and tweaking them by lasso selecting an area and then using the "bulge" tool. I'm wondering: since these images are symmetrical, it would be really nice if there was a way I could maake the same adjustments to the opposite side. Get what I mean?? - Just the same method - lasso select and then modify with the buldge tool, but jut on both sides at the same time. Is there a way to do such a thing?? Thanks.
  8. This should be simple, but I just can't get it: How do I stretch one corner or point on an image while the rest of the image stays put? For example, I've got some text that I want to stretch like the Thrasher Magazine logo. On that logo, the top of the letters remain straight while the bottom is arc'd like a rainbow. Let me know if you need images or further explanation. -T
  9. Hey, this might sound stupid and maybe I'm doing something wrong: I can't seem to find a way to see how large my image is while on the screen. Like, there's no grid or anything that tells me how many inches/ cm my image is. I can of course go to the section to resize it, but it's not displayed anywhere on the screen. When I click on the "rulers" tab underneath "effects", it gives me some measurements in increments of 500, which i don't quite understand. So, yeah... All I want is to be able to see how large my image is in inches and cms... Thanks! -T
  10. Yep. Worked like a charm. Very powerful tool. Makes separating images for print, like, stupidly easy... I thought I was going to have to re-do a bunch of designs, but I am so impressed with this thing... Big ups Toe head! Thanks a lot!
  11. Oooooooo… Extract the file? Um, like... how? Haha! -T
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