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Everything posted by ROFERLI

  1. It was not a joke at all!!! If I posted a question here is because I really don't know! Simple as that! Thanks, IHaveNoName, I really do appreciate your answer. However it still not so clear for me how I can solve my problem! Do you think that if I create a layer between every other layer and having it 100 white it would solve it? I know it sounds silly, but I really don't know how to have what I need. Anyways, many thanks!
  2. Hi guys and girls, I'm working on an image (JPG) that is 282 KB. What I'm doing is creating 10 layers with the same picture and save it as JPG, AGAIN. I want it to be 10x (times) heavier. I mean, the end result should be 2,820 KB! HOWEVER, when I save the image as JPG the software says that it's needs to flatten the image in order to save it. I don't mind if it's flatten the image or do whatever else since the end result is what I'm looking for which is JPG 2,820 KB. What I find out after going to the image properties is that the image is much lighter, I mean 223 KB. Why adding an image that is heavier in the beggining ends up in something much lighter as an end result? I really need it to be a heavier image with all it's properties! Please, is there anyone that could explain me why it happens and how I can solve it and achieve what I'm looking for? Many Thanks
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