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Everything posted by uvbogden

  1. I was just browsing before asking my questions and I saw a couple of issues that people were having that are Microsoft Windows issues that can make any installation problematic, issues I believe have nothing to do with the Paint.net app or plugins. If we can help people with these specific Windows issues, I think there may be fewer people with installation problems. Part of the plugin installation involves creating various folders and at least one user was being told he didn't have Permissions to work with some folders. Windows Security usually decides which folders they want you to not mess with and which you can. They do this by assigning to some computer Users Ownership and/or Permissions and by denying the same to others. Usually it's the system and other similar files to which the actual owner of the computer is denied access, but sometimes Windows will try to lock you out of folders that need to be accessed. In this case, you may need to "Take Ownership" and grant yourself "Full Control" "Permissions" to access and use the folders in question. Installation of plugins also involves working with zip files and there are a number of errors that are commonly made in using zip files that would make plugin installation difficult. Opening most files is done by double clicking the file, but if you make the mistake of thinking you're opening a zip file by double-clicking, you will see a depiction of what files are in the zip file, but what you're looking at is not the actual files--and trying to use these depictions as if they were the real files will just cause you grief. What must be remembered is that zip files must be "Extracted" and these are the files that you seek to use in setting up your plugins.
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