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  1. I have used paint.net for years now, and it is quite possibly the best drawing program I have ever used. It has been absolutely suited for me from the beginning and I greatly appreciate the hard work put into this, especially since it's a free product. It seems that 'Overscroll' has been heavily requested, which I totally understand- I'm sure that it's very useful for some users, maybe even most users. However, I find it incredibly irritating and it makes the program much, much less usable to me. I'm not asking for it to be removed, that's ridiculous, of course. However, as some other people have suggested, could we perhaps have an option to disable it? That would be enormously helpful to me. I realize that it might seem rude of me to ask for a feature to be added to this free program, but I would really love to have that option. (Not trying to make a feeble, worthless threat, but I might have to switch to another drawing program instead, which would be kind of tragic since I'm so used to working with paint.net ) Again, thank you for your consideration. Apart from this, I really appreciate this update, and I really do appreciate the work put into this program- even if that hasn't benefited me this time, since I'm sure there are many others who are happy to have Overscroll.
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