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  1. That makes a lot more sense now haha. Thank you! I'll give this a shot as soon as I get the chance to. I appreciate the help. 😁
  2. This looks like an awesome tool, though I'm running into issues with it! Mainly that the tool doesn't seem to make any changes after the "Rendering" bar fills up. My fiancée and I got our engagement photos back but she was hoping to edit out her bra strap, so I'm hoping this tool helps. Paint Dot Net Version 5.0.10 (EDIT: I just updated to 5.0.11 and experienced the same issue) Windows 11 I've recorded a video from installation all the way to use of the plugin to show the process I'm going through. Am I doing something incorrectly here? Or is there a requirement that I'm not meeting? Some advice would be really helpful!
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