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how to create people icons?

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I've completed some of the tutorials online and think this program is great, along with the contributing members - many thanks!

I have a question regarding tutorials or assistance with making icons of people that are commonly seen in IM software. I found a really good demo of someone going *WAY* overboard with details (not to say it isn't awesome to watch or do, I'm just not looking for that much detail right now) here: http://iconka.com/blog/?cat=5/lang/en/

If you look at the second video down where he adds all the steps of adding features, I'm looking to create just the body template for now with similar functions in paint.net. I'm sure it can be done but I'm stuck with the very start of creating the basic body (outside of the head).

Any help is much appreciated!

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something like this but colored and in 3D?


Or this? this is goin to be adrian monk


im trying to get a better idea of wat you want. These are just a couple things i happened to be working on today. or are something identical to the video? pixelated people are very easy to draw, and you could modify one to look the the video.

edit:awww. i see wat your saying now, leme give it a go, ill let you know how it turns out.


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alrighty, sorry i didnt have much time to work on this, my bands been busy with out album, there fore ive been doing art work for it. But heres the general shape, the details would be up to you. I didnt use shape 3D because of my lac of knowledge with the program, but it would probally be great for this.



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First you'll need the Shape3D plugin if you haven't already got it.

Then go to the bottom of the Shape3D window and find the XML -> Load option.


Then just find the XML and you're good to go.

To get the skin color, select the orange from the default palette and lower the Saturation in the Colors window to about 30.

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