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Saving as Tiff

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I take a screenshot, paste it into Paint.Net and save it as a tiff. I then try to open it for OCR in Abbyy Finereader and get an "Unsupported Format" error. If I take a tiff that has been created by MODI (Microsoft Office Document Imaging) or a few of the scanner applications we have around then it works fine.

It's possible of course that the problem is at Abbyy's end but currently your app is the only one I have found that doesn't produce a file that I can use.

Unfortunatly I don't get any more information about why it's unsupported and so can't provide any pointers as to where the issue is.

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In the save dialog are you typing the .tiff file extension on or are you selecting it from the drop down box underneath?

If you type it on then you'll get an image which has a tiff extension but is actually a .PNG (this is assuming that you only have 1 layer, otherwise it will be a .PDN)

Hope this is of some help :)


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better than you can imagine. These men are called musicians. :D

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That's great hehe and I would! Except out clients use tiffs ... and so we have to handle tiffs :P

This isn't a blocking issue for me and I dont need a work around as we have plenty of other sources we can get tiffs from, I just thought that this seemed like a bug to me and I'd report it.

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