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Monochrome bitmap editing

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I frequently need to modify or create monochrome bitmaps (yes, that's 1-bit depth .BMP files).  I've used Windows XP Paint, works well but the zoom function stinks.  Windows 7 Paint has a bug where the pencil tool can only SET pixels, you cannot right-click to erase pixels (works ok once you change to a full color bitmap).  So I've been searching for a new paint program and Paint.Net holds a lot of promise.  I've found in the 4.0 beta I can load 1-bit monochrome bitmaps, but upon save it seems to insist on saving them as a deeper color depth.  Is there something I'm missing (ie stupid user)?  Is there a plugin available to enable saving as a 1-bit .BMP file?  Is there an older version that supports 1-bit Monochrome .BMP files?


Thanks in advance for any assistance or comments...

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