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How do I paste words onto a splatter background?

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I'm making an ad for my group on ROBLOX. I'm using PyroChild's splatter plugin and I'm typing the words I want on the ad on a separate background (So I can turn them diagonally, ect) but if I "Rectangle select" the letters and past them, it puts white over my splatter, If I "Magic wand" the letter it doesn't get the whole letter (I'm typing In a font where each letter has a few different pieces.) How do I put the words on the background without messing up my background?


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I just wanted to pass on a couple links for sig tutorials for you (not really much difference between a banner and a sig other than the overall size).

If you take the time to go through them you can learn some ins and outs of paint.net:




I hope you find them useful.

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I just wanted to pass on a couple links for sig tutorials for you (not really much difference between a banner and a sig other than the overall size).

If you take the time to go through them you can learn some ins and outs of paint.net:




I hope you find them useful.

Thanks! Those are awesome!


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