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WOTW Awards creation comp

Possum Roadkill

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WOTW Awards Creation Comp

WOTW Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed.

Minimum size is 150 X 150 (avatar size). Maximum size is 150 X 300 (sig size).

The intent is that these will be awarded to the winners of the comp.

WOTW Awards Creation Comp

Theme Rules. Please read this !

Theme is " WOTW Awards Creation Comp "

I want to change the awards that are given to the top three winning entries for the WOTW comp.

I think it is only fitting that the awards be designed by and voted on by the members of this forum.

So, I would like for you to enter awards for each of the place rankings,

1st is blue or gold, 2nd is red or silver, and third is green or copper.

You can make the awards the size of an avatar or the size of a sig (see size limitations above).

You may use text or any other effect found in Paint.net including image modification.

DO NOT Post your entries in this thread. PM your entries to me and I will post them as they come in.

Entry period for this competition will run through 8:00 p.m. Friday evening (December 10th, 2010), U.S. Eastern Daylight Savings Time.

All submissions entered up to this time will be allowed.

If you have any questions, post them in the Discussion Thread or PM Possum Roadkill. I would be happy to help anyone interested.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

To visit the Comps click HERE

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  • 2 weeks later...

The poll for the awards creation comp is up ! Poll closes on Wednesday. Since the poll form won't allow enough characters to display all three awards for each entrant you will need to refer to the entry post to see all of the awards (1st through 3rd) in each set.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

To visit the Comps click HERE

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The winners are....

Entry 3 Yellowman 6 votes 1st place


Entry 1 Heat Stroke 5 votes 2nd place


Entry 2 Julio Coolio 2 votes tie for 3rd


Entry 5 Ella 2 votes tie for 3rd


Entry 4 Dug 1 vote 4th place


I think all of the entries were so good we are all winners because of their contribution.

I like them all so much, I plan on using them all in the coming weeks.

Thanks to all of you who entered, I really appreciate your beautiful work. Thank you very much.



SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

To visit the Comps click HERE

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