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New text to cover old text?

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Probably REALLY simple, but I'm new to Paint & can't figure this out to save my life. Can anyone tell me how to create a moveable (and borderless) text box to type in 4 digits and then move that text box so it covers 4 outdated existing digits already in the Paint image? It doesn't look right if I use eraser feature > erase old digits > type new digits in space where old used to be. I need to be able to move a new BORDERLESS text box (white background) and have it cover old material. THANKS!

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Will this work?

Open the image in Paint.NET.

Make a new (transparent) layer.

Make a rectangular selection around the text to be removed.

Right-click with Paintbucket tool to fill selection with white.

Use Text tool to add/position new digits.

Flatten and save.

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