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My PDN/.NET 3.5 install failure/Error Code 1603 fix

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I didn't see anything else mentioning what I am going to discuss, so I thought I would through this out there.

I had an issue with updating to a newer version of PDN. I clicked the update pop up from PDN 3.36 to begin. It went through it's process and then failed. I tried to open PDN after and got a "need .NET 3.5" message. I didn't have .NET 3.5 so I decided to uninstall PDN and go with a prior version. And of course, you need .NET 3.5 to uninstall. So I couldn't open PDN anymore and I couldn't uninstall it. That's were my .NET 3.5 install trip started.

I couldn't install .NET 3.5. After many suggested .NET 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 installs, uninstalls, and cleanups, .NET 3.5 still would not install (returning "Error Code 1603"). I also used Windows Installer Cleaneruper to remove the foul install of PDN.

I was confused because all other versions of .NET would install fine, including service packs. I then checked the event logs and found an entry for an MsiInstaller/.NET 3.5. Checked the details and it spoke of an error involving Mozilla (Firefox). I searched on that and found someone who mentioned virus protection.

So, I finally found that McAfee (Enterprise, Agent Version 4.5) was causing my issues. For some reason, McAfee was preventing .NET 3.5 from installing. I turned off scanning and .NET 3.5 installed fine.

And of course, PDN 3.5.2 installed fine after that.

Hope this helps someone, cause it was a pain in my ... ;-)

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