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How would I change all pixels that are one color to another

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Hi, I have a drawing with letters on it and the background is white pixels.

I want to use the color picker to select the color and somehow remove all white pixels.

Is this possible?

I need the letters to appear, but with a transparent background for some web animations.

I'm kinda new to paint.net and i'm not sure how to accomplish this or if there is a tutorial available for it.



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To change the color of the text -

1.) Set the primary color as the color you want the text to be, and set the secondary color as the current color of the text.

2.) Use the Recolor tool ( :RecoloringTool: ) to recolor the text.

To get rid of a white background -

1.) Use the Magic Wand ( :MagicWandTool: ) to select the white background, and press Delete on your keyboard.

Then once you're done save a .png (otherwise it won't keep it's transparency) and you're done. :wink:

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