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Please tell me how to fade a picture

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I have the latest version of paint.net and need to know how to fade a picture so that it can barely be seen.

I've searched the forums for fade but couldn't find anything that worked.

I opened layer properties and slid the bar to fade the image that way but when I saved it it reverted to its original look.

So I am hoping someone knows how to simply fade a picture almost to white.

Thank you for any ideas you may have .

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Thanks to both of you for your helpful tips. Although I couldn't find the opacity tool after a long search?

I found another way to fade too!!

Open a picture then click layers/adjustments/hue/saturation, and then slide the 'lightness' bar across till you get the effect you want. Saving as gif or png worked fine.

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I generaly Change the opacity, then i add a new layer, put it behind the layer were the image is and on the layer thet is empty you use the rectangle tool and paint all white, then you may save it as BMP or JPEG or whatever you want =D (sorry if someone already said it, if this is the hardest way, or if no one understood what i said =P....but that's how i do it, i havent read all the posts and sometimes my keyboard stays strange =/)

I just read someone's post (forgot his poste xD) and sometimes i use curves for that or even Brightness/Crontast =P

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