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Named tool presets

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In a given Paint.NET project I usually work with several settings for any particular tool. For example, I may use 3 different fonts, and 5 shapes with customized options.


Is it possible to remember those settings as a preset so I can later quickly switch instead of setting the tool again completelly on next use. This is exactly the same as if I were to set tool defaults in the Paint.Net Options, just here I am limited to 1 preset named 'default'. I would like to have several presets, either globally (okish) or per project (epic).


Is it something like this achievable currently? I am loosing a lot of time doing the same steps, setting up few tools combinations.


As a wishfull example, lets imagine that paint bucket has Preset option at the end that would let you name its current settings or load previously saved ones via combo box. (this should ofc exist for all tools):



Later we could load them via combo box, hotkey or some other UX mechanism such as right click on tool in the toolbar (currently does nothing):






Edited by Miodrag Milic
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Interesting concept.

I think I can see myself using this feature, as I often tinker around with the tolerance of the paint bucket to try and fill in every pixel in an object/area. Or how I often use different line types (e.g, the shape of the line ends, line styling, line width).


Seemingly, this reminds me of how you could change the toolbar’s default settings, and I would like the idea of more of these features find their way to a future update.


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