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  1. Hi Thanks for your answer I know that this facility is in Paint.NET I also know shortcuts My question is whether there is a way to click less to do it or not? Video programs that I like them? If no such paths Is not it better to be added? Make it easier Another question that Whether such changes might be added in the next version? I'm really upset Like other programs Can not easily edit the text Please see video

  2. Hi Thanks for your answer I know that this facility is in Paint.NET I also know shortcuts My question is whether there is a way to click less to do it or not? Video programs that I like them? If no such paths Is not it better to be added? Make it easier Another question that Whether such changes might be added in the next version? I'm really upset Like other programs Can not easily edit the text Please see video
  3. Hi I,m paint12! I'm using the plug-in text, but not my problem I am grateful to you for your answer I would be grateful if you read my most recent post See the videos Get more help thanks http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/25719-how-to-change-the-text-% D8% 9F /? p = 382890

  4. Hi Thanks for your answer I'm using the plug-in text, but not my problem Honestly I do not speak English I use the google translator I'm so sorry. I can not say it better! I got a free image editing But I like paint.net I just have a few questions One is that When the text is written in the programs And other work carried out Why can not we go back to previous text And we'll correct it This means we can not even edit it One other question! Do paint.net Click on a different layer, it is convenient to chose? Paint.net because the first layer is the right choice. And must also be deselected Then it moved at Home I wish there was a way to click on a layer in the home they moved Clicks would below Also, I wonder why the crop is in the main menu toolbar double click to crop it? I'm sorry Do not you think that the excessive number of clicks to crop in the paint.net? (Eg program Hornil StylePix) I like both of these features, you have paint.net I want to know is there a way that I do not know? I'd say it's good I've prepared two short video of the two programs paint.net And Hornil StylePix I get to see and compare the Hopefully these simple questions is not strange to you I'm not even an amateur but am interested in the program paint.net (One other thing I like that it is possible that the Program When I use the Clone Stamp Tool I have a choice I choose to be around the same as the image fades (fog) or not Because now I can not erase around I better understand my videos It may be added in future versions of this facility?) I would love the Paint.NET to get better To download videos, please click change the text and layers: 1-1 paint.net 1-2 Hornil StylePix.vmw ================================ ================================ Clone Stamp Tool (Comparison of three :Paint.NET- Hornil StylePix- PhotoScape ) paint.net2.rar Thanks for your attention and help
  5. Hi I'm a new Forum member l love my paint.net program Amateur Question! When we are writing a text layer Why can not In between the layers Back And again to change the text? For example To change the text color Or to change a word? Thanks for your help
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