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Everything posted by LawrenceD

  1. Hey, thanks again! I would have likely used a site to identify it later, but I appreciate it
  2. Thanks for identifying them; I'll remember them for the future now Only problem is two of them are missing from the drop down menu (Blackladder ITC and Vivaldi), so I'll look into getting them added after doing some research. Thanks again, pdnnoob! EDIT: Found them; I didn't know fonts were so expensive! Since I made the names on my now broken laptop, that's why the fonts are gone now. Learn something new everyday
  3. Did any of the recent updates take away fonts? I'm likely just ignorant of this, but I made a map using some Fonts in the Paint.NET program back in February/March 2012 and updated the program after I was done. Now I'm going back to tweak it a bit, but I can't find the fonts anymore. I've gone through looking for them, typing out a word and scrolling until it matched, but I can't find them. Below is a link to the map if anyone recognizes them, but I really just need to know if any were removed after I updated. I looked through the roadmap on the site and didn't see anything, and I don't remember what version I had on my computer when I made the map. Thanks for you help, everyone http://jldpage.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/cloaks_quoa_final.jpg
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