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Regina 2011

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Everything posted by Regina 2011

  1. ok thanks i figured out now, but it doesnt seem to fade as much as id like it. its light then goes straight into darkness so it still kind of looks like its just a pic cut off . is there settings to control how dark or light the fade is
  2. thanks , i can get to the gradient tool but then i really cant understand what to do. i can see it working on the other layer but sorry for being stupid, i cant seem to make any change to the main picture on the 1st layer
  3. Sorry for being noob, I'm sure there's already a known way to do this or an addon which does, but I don't know where to look. I want to know how you can fade the bottom part of a pic so it eventually changes into one complete color, you know so I can use a picture as a youtube background without repeating it ? sorry if i'm not explaining what I mean very well. could somebody please let me know how this is done? What I mean is something like this: http://markmichalowski.co.uk/image/blue_rust%20fading%20to%20black.jpg , if you notice the bottom it's fading into black, but i would like to do this to pictures so it slowly faces into complete darkness, or any color really. thanks so much for your time paint experts
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