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Posts posted by toxicdj

  1. I am downloading this for two reasons.

    1. It looks damn epic
    2. Myself and my friends fell in love with the word squirkle a few years back and we believe it is a word that should be used more often. So I am willing to support in any way that amazing word and all things related boltbait.lol.png

    Decided to play with it a little... and got this :)

    (I did use bevel selection to make it come out better... might make it my sig xD)


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  2. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it



    When trolling through images on Google, I'm sure everyone has seen pictures with a faint, but still relatively annoying white image over the image you want.

    People do this for a lot of reasons. To protect their work from copyright infringements, so people will ask for the work instead of just using it. And in most instances, they are selling their work and don't want it pirated.

    Now I dont know how useful this tutorial will be to many of you. But I find it never hurts to have a watermark handy in any case.

    This is a very simple tutorial, but very worthwhile.

    Plugins Needed:


    Now... on with the tutorial...

    Create a new document. Size and resolution dont matter. But I usually use W:800 H:600 Res:300.

    With your primary color set to black, use the paintbucket to fill in the background. This layer is not permanent. It will just make your watermark easier to see.


    Create a new layer. This is the layer your water mark will be made on. Here you can do whatever you want. I'm going to use my current sig.


    So now you should have something that looks similar to this. The placement doesnt really matter. I just prefer it in the middle.

    Now as I'm sure you have all noticed, a watermark is usually grayscale and somewhat transparent. So what we are going to do now is go to Adjustments/Black and White.


    It should now look something like this.

    Now select somewhere other than your watermark and press Ctrl+I to invert the selection, then Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard. Create a new document and leaving image size as is, set resolution to 300.

    Create a new layer and delete the original background layer.

    Press Ctrl+V to paste the image onto the canvas.


    Size doesnt really matter here. In fact the larger the image the better.

    Press F4 to bring up "Layer Properties" and set opacity to 120.

    it should now look like this:


    Save the image as a .png, and open up a new document again.

    change the background to whatever, then go to Effects/Tool/Custom brushes mini.

    Click ":Add new brush" and load your image.

    Resize your watermark to however you want it, then WOO HOO! You're done!

    Here's my finished product: (Artwork under watermark done in Photoshop and for demonstration of watermark only)


  3. Is there a way to make transparency on custom brushes?

    I had an idea to make custom brush sets similar to those used in photoshop.

    I know in Photoshop, Custom Brushes are done with opacity maps With white being transparent and black being full color and all the greys in between being different levels of transparent.

    I've tried doing that with custom brushes mini and I've also tried making the images transparent, but I just cant seem to make it work. I can get either completely solid and completely transparent. But nothing in between...boltbait.mad.png

  4. th_eye.jpg

    A radial gradient helps get a more spherical shape ;)

    I enjoyed this tut. I'd never used Random Lines before. Could be wicked for abstracts :) But for now, I'll keep playing with this tut before entering Aislin's competition

    Well I must say yours looks a hell of a lot better than mine, and fixes my shading problem. I didnt even think of using a radial gradient-facepalm. Which steps did you do it on so I can update the tut. I'll credit you with the idea of course xD

    • Upvote 1
  5. Very clever. Nice touch using Inside Out

    ... a bit of tweaking and playing and it's potentially totally realistic :) (But don't quote me on that - I'm not one of the portrait makers ;))

    I'm sure with some tweaking and some patience that you could make it a realistic eye. With eyes realism is all in the shine I think. I'm working on a way to make a more realistic shine to the eye so when I do I'll add it to the tut...

  6. Nicely done! I'd pull back slightly on the jitter, but that's just a question of preference. Otherwise, it's even better than I was asking for ;)

    While I'm here, very well-written eye tutorial. Now I have to see if I can use it with the 3D eyeball tutorial for even more coolness

    It would be pretty awesome if the two did work together boltbait.mrgreen.png

    I was thinking i might need to slow down on the jitter as well... will do so on my next hair texture :)


    Added new Section "Eyes"

    Added three files to "Eyes"

    lol, i actually didn't like IMVU or maybe thats because i didn't understand how it works or so... but i would love to see more textures :-)

    IMVU is hard to work around. I think its because instead of moving around with the arrow keys, you press certain spots on the floor, furniture etc...

  8. I am so glad to see more people busy with virtual world art and stuff, for a long time I was the only one on this forum who made pictures of secondlife avi's and edited them... Do you take pictures of IMVU avi friends?

    anyway, with those hair textures you could open a shop in second life ;-)

    great thing you do, I hope to see more of it

    Ive tried second life and I can honesty say I dont like it. Yeah, I love taking pics of my friends on IMVU. I often create for them too.

    I dont do edits of avatars often, I prefer to just make textures and stuff. If you have IMVU feel free to add me on there, Click here to add me :)

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