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Posts posted by Schnicka

  1. I think a fun competition would be a book/album/movie cover competition. The theme could be a certain title, or genre, or something along those lines. I don't think I'd be able to host, as unfortunately I don't get on a whole lot anymore, but I'd love to see it work out :)

  2. I agree with both these suggestions. I had to make a newspaper article for school a little while back, and, being the paint.net loving person that I am, I decided to make it look as realistic as possible by doing it on paint.net. Newspapers' text is always justified (for those who don't know what that means it's when the text is arranged to where it makes straight lines on either side of the column), and that was difficult to do, so I had to settle for "aligned left". Most programs that deal with text has this feature, so it'd be nice for paint.net to have it as well.

    I like the second idea as well, though, like Steve said, the first one is a priority.

    Edit: Oh, and welcome to the forums, Steve :)

  3. You could even take the logo competition a bit further and do advertisement of the week, and you could either make it mandatory that it be a banner ad like you see on the internet, or a full/half page magazine ad, or just allow anything.

  4. Thanks for the encouragement pdnnoob, I appreciate it a lot :D

    I really like your 3D text though, anytime someone can make something look 3D on a 2D canvas it amazes me, so that's why yours is so awesome. I dunno if I like it better than your current sig though, they're both very good. I like to change my sig every once in a while, but that's because those are the main things I make.

    And I agree about Weave getting a bad reputation. Sure it's very simple to use, but that's the whole point of paint.net; so people who aren't experienced with graphic design or art can still make something that looks really cool. I find it kind of sad when people talk bad about certain effects as they are easy-to-use, when those same people are making images made almost exclusively of renders and/or pictures. But maybe that's just me :P

  5. NMD: 2

    Howler: 1

    I like em both, but it looks like NMD's took for-stinkin-ever, and it's quite good for using Paint.net to do .gifs, which can take a really long time and can be very difficult, so that's my main reason.

    Howler, yours is pretty good, but the person is a little too dark compared to what's around him. If all that light is near him, he should have a brighter face, as they seem to be light sources. But other than that, great job! :)

  6. I love this plugin! However, I may be reiterating oma's request, but I'd love to see an option to upload your own shape/brush/whatever so you don't have to add each individual shape manually, while readjusting it's size, angle, color, etc., as that can be very time consuming. Like oma said, there's no rush; I understand it can be very difficult to do, especially with the amount of plugins you have to keep up with, but I'm sure many people would find it very useful. Thanks for your great plugins, keep it up! :)

  7. Sfifer - 3

    TheHowler - 0

    I like Howler's a lot, but like some have said it's a little bit empty on the right, and the checkerboard of glowing lines beside the wolf is somewhat distracting, although it looks cool, I'm not sure what to think about it.


    Okay A: Talking.Like.This. Gets very annoying, and I'm pretty sure there is a rule against talking in weird ways, i.e l33t sp33k or Using.Periods.After.Every.Single.Word.

    B: The whole point of competitions is for people to say who's they like better and WHY, so what you said was going against the whole point of the competitions.

    Lecture Complete :P

  8. I guess I'll vote to keep this moving along. To be brutally honest, I'm not a huge fan of either one.

    TheHowler's, in my opinion, is too much non-pdn to win a sig battle on the paint.net forums. Plus, it's a tad bit pixelated, which takes away from the overall composition.

    That being said, NMD's isn't very detailed, and the render is WAY too blurred, i couldn't even tell what it was when I first looked at it. However, I like the little green laser-thing, so I guess that's the only reason I'm voting for NMD's, except just to move this thing along.

    NinjaManDan: 2

    TheHowler: 0

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