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Posts posted by davisbgs

  1. Ok Ego Eram Reputo,

    I think you are telling me to

    1. erase all of the background areas - i did this

    2. I deleted all of the background areas

    3. I saved it as a PNG.

    4. I am not the one importing it into my book cover, the publisher needs to receive my graphic in jpg form.

    I can see what the problem is from my side. The 4 small leg parts may be transparent now but i have no way of checking.....

    Here's the problem. When i open up any graphic back into paint.net - click on the wand... and here is the problem on my side.... i have to change wand to global every time b4 clicking wand on graphic page. Flood mode keeps reverting to contiguous.

    So, I don't have any idea what my book publisher will see (if the 4 small places will still be transparent)and i am not eligible to send this to them another time after this next submission.

    I am not sure if i have another option to your #4? when does my graphic get flattened? I must submit it as a jpg like i did 24 other pictures which i was successful at cutting out the backgrounds.

  2. I understand that Jpg's do not support transparencies. When i open the jpg in paint and click on the wand the entire background is removed but those 4 small spaces.

    On my final edit of a book those 4 small spaces are the only white part showing up in the background of my book cover.

    yes, in paint i can click on global and they go transparent. I saved it in jpg b4, again, opened it with paint and clicked on the wand and all but 4 small areas were transparent. how come when i repeat this process the 4 small areas are still white? And, these 4 small white places are the only white area showing on my book cover - and, i submitted the graphic to the publisher in jpg.

    Maybe i will try saving it as a gif or png then resaving it as a jpg - since i must submit it as a jpg.

    I really appreciate your input!

  3. Hello pdnnoob,

    I appreciate what you are saying. However, when i open the jpg with Paint.net (it is saved in paint as a jpg) everything stayed transparent except the 4 small spaces inside the horses legs.

    I am guessing i must have missed erasing them before and maybe it is a layers thing?

    Odd Llama was right about switching the wand to 'global' this did erase those 4 small areas... but when i saved it as a jpg again and reopened it in paint.net again those 4 small places are still not transparent.

    The erase initially and saving in jpg did retain the transparency around 99% of the graphic. I am using this for a book cover and i have got to get that white out... i must submit the graphic as a jpg or a tiff

  4. I have succeeded in making a graphic background transparent....


    There are 4 small sections that appear transparent but when i hit the wand they are a different transparent color (still white and grey little boxes but don't turn pale blue on top when i hit the wand...


    It is these 4 small areas that still print white.

    I don't know if i messed it up with layers before ... but i am guessing???

    These areas won't erase again because they show as erased.

    I tried copying and pasting in paint.net a variety of formats... Gif, Jpeg, Pnd and then tried erasing again and although Jpeg did erase.... i was back to square one and these 4 small areas keep printing white.

    Anyone got any clues how i can transparent these 4 small areas?



  5. I have a tiny white outline of my finished picture where i removed the background. i choose to use it on a dark background and it really shows up. Can someone please tell me how i remove this small white outline around my finished cropped picture?

    could you please also email me at <snip>



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