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  1. Thanks Sarkut for your detailed instructions. I'm going to try this, but instead of creating 180 copies I'll take an arrow with no "lighting" effect and create 45 copies to cover the first 90 degrees. Then by mirroring and merging twice I can get all 180 images. At the end I'll apply the lighting effect so all arrows are lit from the same angle despite rotations. (I'm not sure if this effect is available in PDN though)
  2. Yes, I was about to post the same thing after testing the plugin. Thanks for the link anyway. It still can be useful in some scenarios.
  3. Thanks for the replies. I tried layers > rotate/zoom. It does accelerate the process by shifting and rotating in one command provided I set the right X and Y pan values. However, there is a slight loss of quality even without rotation which seems to be due to change of alpha in some pixels. As a long shot I set the blend mode to overwrite, but it didn't help either. Is there a way to create multiple exact copies of an image by tiling?
  4. I am relatively new to Paint.NET and couldn't find my answer after a few hours of search and reading. What I want to do is to create 180 copies of a 16x16 arrow icon (png image) on a 2880x16 canvas, with each copy obtained by rotating the original image 2 degrees more than the previous copy. So, the first copy should start at [16,0] with 2 degrees rotation of original, the second copy at [32,0] with 4 degrees rotation of original, and so on. It is not dissimilar to what Fragment effect does except that Fragment always places the copies at the same distance in a circle, the rotation applies to the placement of copies and, of course, blurs the result. Is there any way to achieve this quickly, e.g. by using a combination of tools or by scripting? I appreciate any help.
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