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  1. Thanks sarkut! I have installed the custombrushes mini plugin, and those PNG brushes ... but two things are bothering me. The plugin doesn't seem to integrate the custom brushes anywhere except in that special window that hangs off the Effects menu, and anyway my laptop can only render the "misty" brush in blobs that are trailing behind my cursor. Is the programming language of Paint.net too slow to implement airbrushes, and is that why they aren't a feature of the main interface? Cheers, Ross.
  2. Hi! Am I blind or stupid, or is there an airbrush tool somewhere right in front of me? Can't see a specific plugin, either. Puzzled (and probably stupid). Cheers, Ross
  3. Thanks to the kind souls who helped with this:)
  4. Hello! Firstly... This image "app" (if that is the right term) is the least confusing of many I have tried to understand. Huge thanks for it being freely available. What I need to do is overlay an emblem over a background, but the tricky bit is I need to cut around the emblem so it follows it's outline not just a box shape. Maybe there is a transparency tool or method that would achieve the same effect as a cutout? Thanks, Ross
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