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  1. I'm trying to add color to a gray scale image, and I want to maintain it's light shading. So like I want to use darker reds on the darker spots and lighter reds on lighter spots. Hue thing doesn't work on grayscale images, and if I make do a sepia effect then alter hue, it's a lighter color than I'd like. So two questions I'd like answered: 1. Is there a way to select every pixel of the same color? The background on my image is all one color and there are parts inside the image that are same color which are also part of background, so I'd like to select all of it, then inverse it to get the area I'd like to color. Magic wand with 0 tolerance still seems to select other colors. 2. What's best way to add color to a grayscale image and still maintain it's light shading?
  2. Na. Making a game pretty similar. Different scoring system and such, and more puzzleish. But still the same concept. I don't think I can get sued for that since it has a different scoring system and such and the overall "Win" condition is different so it's not the same game. Just the same principle, get colored balls into colored holes.
  3. Found a picture of some cracked dry mud, and then shrunk it down to wall size, darkened the cracks a bit, then muliplied it on a new layer onto the original wall. This was effect: I like it:
  4. So I have a 2D game I'm working on and I have some solid blocks I use for walls. I want to make some cracks in them so to speak so the player can see that they can be broken. Anyone know any simple way to do this?
  5. Is there any way to create circles that are exactly the size I want? By clicking and dragging I seem I get circles that start and end in wrong place and not exact size I want. Like say I want a circle with diameter of 28 so on a 32x32 tile i has 2 pixels padding around each side.
  6. Hence the first line of the first post "I'm creating a game based on InkBall"
  7. Made 2 circles and applied a gradient in between them and got this: I'm happy with it
  8. I had an idea to do a black-white gradient over an circle to do it. But I'm not sure how to apply a gradient to a circular selection, and I want to just darken/lighten the colors, not completely override them.
  9. I'm trying to create a game based on InkBall, but I'm not very artistic. I want to create a hole image similar to the one in this image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/22/InkBall_Vista.png but I only need it to be 32x32 instead of 128x128 and I only need the hole, not that fancy metal looking stuff around it. I've tried just creating a black circle and applying relief to it, but I just can't get a good hole look . I have no artistic ability what so ever.
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