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Posts posted by kellio

  1. Not having a lot of experience with creating and printing images, I have a question.
    I build remote control models such as ww11 aircraft and want to print their markings on transparent sticker paper to a specific size depending on where the sticker go on the model..
    My problem occurs when I go to print the image after resizing it in the software.
    For example, if I want my image (Say a stars and stripes banner on a wing), and I want that image to print say 5 inches wide and 3 inches high, when I resize it to that size and maintain ratio, then flatten and save it, when I go to print it on my Canon printer, it prints as much as twice the size or even covers the whole A4 sheet.
    The image below is what it looks like on an A4 sheet when printed.
    I want it half that size.

    Stras and banner correct for wing.jpg

  2. Hi all. Hoping someone can help.
    I'm trying to create stickers for RC airplane wings.
    The sticker paper is transparent with a white paper backing which needs to be removed after printing.
    Part of the sticker is white while the other parts are dark blue and red as in the stars and stripes banner used on us Air force plane wings. (See Image)
    However, when I print the image, the white areas such as the star is transparent instead of white.
    I've tried to use the paint bucket and right clicking on the area to make the same as the secondary color but still remains clear or transparent after printing.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Stras and banner correct for wing.jpg

  3. I'd done everything suggested all to no avail!

    I downloaded the windows installer cleanup utility and used it to remove PDN successfully and completely.

    After having done that, I deleted the directory from C/drive/program files/Paint.net... and checked everywhere else to be sure that every trace of PDN was gone including checking control panel/add and remove programs.( It was no longer there)

    I then deleted the zipped file containing the install file and re-downloaded it. (probably unnecessarily)

    When I tried to install it.... I got exactly the same problem all over again.

    However, on a suggestion from another member I tried repairing the .net framework installed through the control panel/add or remove programs and "yippee", it installed correctly.

    If anyone needs more help on this just post in here or PM me for more details.

  4. Hi Pyrochild.

    Thanks for the prompt reply.

    In following your advice, the pdncrash.log is blank.

    I've read the stickys on this but haven't seen the same problem mentioned.

    Since I completely deleted the previous version, my problem now is more related to installing the latest version 3.5.5.

    When I try to do that from the Paint.net.3.5.5.Install.exe, the installation stalls and I get a box with the following:

    Paint.net Setup Front-End has encountered a problem and needs to close.

    Followed by the usual tell micro-soft about this etc.

    I'm running XPpro and service pack 3. and have automatic updates enabled in my control panel.

    Update. I've followed every instruction and suggestion with the exception of the download cleanup utility (which I'm advised by Microsoft is is damaging) all to no avail. The upgraded version 3.5.5 is still installed according to my control panel (add or remove programs) and it will not uninstall or work because of the problem associated with the installer package mentioned in my original post.

    It's become obvious to me that I hadn't tried to use it since I carried out the upgrade and the problem is in the v3.5.5 installer package which won't either fully install or uninstall.

  5. No I didn't since Microsoft removed it from its website declaring it potentially harmful: http://support.micro...290301&x=9&y=10

    While the Windows Installer Cleanup utility resolved some installation problems, it sometimes damaged other components installed on the computer. Because of this, the tool has been removed from the Microsoft Download Center.



    I'm having similar problems. Fatal error etc. 1603. The only thing different was that I had an earlier version installed which would no longer function after I upgraded. I then tried to uninstall the original version but ran into problems.

    I've spent 2 extremely frustrating days trying to get v3.5.5 installed and followed every instruction provided and suggested...all to no avail.

    If microsoft has removed something claiming it's harmful I'm not willing to risk using it!

  6. Hi Pyrochild.

    Thanks for the prompt reply.

    In following your advice, the pdncrash.log is blank.

    I've read the stickys on this but haven't seen the same problem mentioned.

    Since I completely deleted the previous version, my problem now is more related to installing the latest version 3.5.5.

    When I try to do that from the Paint.net.3.5.5.Install.exe, the installation stalls and I get a box with the following:

    Paint.net Setup Front-End has encountered a problem and needs to close.

    Followed by the usual tell micro-soft about this etc.

    I'm running XPpro and service pack 3. and have automatic updates enabled in my control panel.

  7. I’ve been using paint.net for a couple of years without a problem. However when I tried to use it today, I got the “Paint.net has encountered a problem and needs to close” message.

    I tried several of the usual fixes to no avail including trying to un-install it with a view to reinstalling it. However when I try to uninstall it I’m getting a pop up saying:

    ” There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.

    A program required for this install to complete could not be run.

    Contact your support personnel or package vendor”

    When I close that box, I get another box saying “Fatal error during installation”

    I had upgraded to v3.5.5 a couple of weeks ago without an issue.

    I tried this several times and downloaded it again from several different sites in the hope that it would update but it seems that I can’t uninstall it so I can’t re-install it.

    Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated as I use this software often.

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