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Everything posted by SauceySandwich

  1. I check over the video I have and it looks like the main lines don't scroll but rather another set sometimes scrolls accross. The good thing is that blur does work for some of the maps. I'll keep fiddling with the settings.
  2. Nice! Thanks I will try it! I thinking I would just to import each as a layer and that would work!
  3. I got as far as adding a new layer but am not sure about the rest, how do you select the lines?
  4. I do apologize if this is a repeat and believe I have searched thoroughly enough to make sure this is not a repost. Is there a simple way to remove interlacing from a video still without losing the the rest of the detail (blurring)? I attached an example (it is a map I am using for a game). Bailout Map
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