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Posts posted by phew

  1. I know Win7 isn't that cool anymore, but I have to admit I still have one machine running on it, working with paint.net from time to time.

    Lets say I switch with Alt+Tab to paint.net, then I extend the color selector and copy a hex value, I want to paste it into my text editor.

    So I press Alt+Tab again, thinking I will see my text editor, but I dont, paint.net switches the focus from the tools-window to the main-window.

    Another Alt+Tab later I land in my text-editor.


    I am used to this behaviour since forever, I think at some point years ago I even posted this here, I imagine I got an answer like: it is what it is, we can't change it.

    But today I realized, Win10 doesn't have this problem. Do you think you can backport whatever change you made to the Win10 version about this?


    Kind regards


  2. On 8/7/2019 at 8:14 PM, Rick Brewster said:

    Fixed VTF file type plugin. It was not working in 4.2 except for images that were an exact power-of-2 size on each dimension.


    I'm a little bit confused. I open my vtf-files still with an old version of the plugin from the forum.

    Is vtf support now integrated in the main program or are you including fixes for forum-stuff into this changelog?

  3. Hi,


    I searched the forum for the topic a little bit, but all the answers I got were not what I needed.

    Since I read "you do not need transparent selection, use layers" I will just show you an example of what I would like to do and somebody is hopefully nice enough here to tell me what I do understand wrong in working with layers.


    On the attached image are 2 icons, the one to the left is the original.

    The one to the right is how the image should look in the end (just that the arrow should not be black, it should be a vertical gradient from transparent to opaque white).

    The arrow is a standard shape in paint.net.


    I would like to "cut out" a "hole" in the blue circle so i can place a layer with the metioned gradient behind it.


    And here comes the problem, always when i try to "cut out" the arrow-shaped "hole" the edges are not antialiased :(


    What am I doing wrong?


    thanks in advance



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