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Heat Stroke

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Posts posted by Heat Stroke

  1. Thanks Rockandroll, Im glad you like them!

    @Drydareelin: :D I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks! :D

    St1ck3, thanks a lot! I am still making fractals, just not as much...

    @Helen: Thank you, yeah the power of PDN surprised me with this one. I tried the tutorial in PDN just to see if I could, and it was easier than I thought! :)

    Thank you Yellowman, it means a lot.

    And thank you Barbieq, I hope I continue to have the time to visit this forum...

  2. Well I owe you both an apology for never responding to your comments. 2011 did not go well for me and I had to limit my computer free time to get stuff done. This year has just gotten better, but probably not for long.

    Here is something new..ish. It was a while ago, but its my most recent 100% PDN work. I usually combine PS and PDN along with Apo7x. You can see all those on my DA


    Based on this Illustrator tutorial. Which proves you dont need a vector program to make something like this.

    Thats all the rambling I will do for now. Thanks for reading.

  3. Thank you Chrisco, Helen, Welshblue, Dug, and Barbieq!

    Welshblue, I thought you have to pay for Incendia...? I will look into it because your Incendia artworks are amazing! :D

    Dug, it is definitely worth trying! The time it takes to render depends on how good your computer is, and how much quality you want. Even though it will take me about 5 hours to render a nice quality fractal, I will still do it! Besides, I can set it up at night so when I wake up, it is finished! :D

    Again, thank you all!

  4. Thanks Julio, Barbieq, Helen, Chrisco, and Welshblue! Glad you like it and your comments mean a lot! I spent the most time I have ever spent on one digital artwork on that piece.

    A few updates because I havent visited this sight in a while (mainly due to finals).


    I used some cloud stocks and brushes for the clouds, but the nebula behind the clouds is 100% PDN


    Some of you know, I had a huge battle with the jaggies with this one. I finally gave up, but I learned that I need to render the fractals with a higher quality even though it will take forever to render.

    For other fractal manips, check out my DA. I didnt upload them with photobucket.

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