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Busted Ed

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  1. Oops ok, sorry. Lol, english is not my primary language and in portuguese is said "sensibilidade" which it's the same as sensitivity, but in portuguese lol, I just messed one word with the other.
  2. Hey the idea wasn't mine: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=31061&p=277271&hilit=pressure+sensitivity#p277271 I see. What was the last version with "pressure sensibility" feature? I'll have to download it again...
  3. Damn I can't believe that feature was taken of. Totally suported. Also instead of plugin or something like that, I think the best thing would actually add a "preferences" dialog, where that option would be available. That way if it caused any kind of problems to one's computer, just need to turn the option off.
  4. Hi. I'm new in the forum, but I use paint.net for a long time now There's one thing with this new version that brought a tear to my eye. You see, I allways draw with my tabletpc, but there's a problem with this new version. It doesn't set the size with pressure. Just draws like I was drawing with the mouse. I'd like you to fix it, since only that prevents me from using paint.net Thanks
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