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Posts posted by mero

  1. How do you downgrade?

    You will need to uninstall your current version and reinstall "Paint.net 4.0.9". Unfortunately, Paint.net doesn't allow you to download older versions from their site. You will need to use a search engine to find an older version. Make sure you download it from a reputable site to avoid viruses. I'm not sure if the admins would let me link a clean download here.

  2. mero, Are you using the Zoom tool? If so, it's bugged and will be fixed in an upcoming update.


    "... and tend to work at a very small scale"


    Can you elaborate on this?

    I make pixel art. I tend to work with very small dimensions such as 60x60 and with high levels of zoom.


    Zoom in 1600%

    Change a couple pixels

    Ctrl + B to review change

    Rinse and repeat a 100+ times

    Yea, i noticed that the zoom tool and ctrl+scroll will occasionally make it snap to the top left. My issue is with not being able to maintain a static position in the center. Being able to scroll past the bounds of the image seems like a great feature when the image is taking up the full screen(ex: 2400% zoom). However, I want my image to be centered when it is not taking up the full screen(ex: 400% zoom).


    I understand if the feature may not be able to work that way.


  3. Did you make the logo yourself? I really, truly like the whole piece. The colors work nicely. You may want to add one teeny space between the letters "e" and "G" since there's an equal amount of space between each letter.

    I take credit for everything but the fonts I used and edited. Thanks for the tip bud. No idea why they ended up close so close like that.:mrgreen:

  4. There is a smudge plugin that you can download:

    Most if not all photoshop techniques can be replicated through alternative methods if you take time to explore the program. I have been playing with Paint.net for years.

    I personally like the color window and never had a problem with space(I have a big monitor though..). I personally prefer the color window over photoshop's color sliders.

    The brush tool isn't as top notch but they have plans to revamp the brush system if you look at the roadmap: http://www.getpaint.net/roadmap.html

    They have a alternative brush plugin here:

    I use both paint.net and photoshop for different purposes but I prefer pdn over photoshop for most of my work.

    I personally just consider the interface a lot cleaner and consider a lot of the plugins essential.

    It is all personal preference. The program isn't for everyone.

  5. Aw! How cute is that! I love your little girl devil! Beautiful colour of her hair (not biased just because hers is the same as nine, the shading is really well done. The clothes are very well done too. In all I think you have done a fantastic job with this one.

    I love drawing hair more than anything else. I actually plan on making a angel next. I am just finishing the final touches on paper.:greengrin:

    Thanks a lot for the nice feedback buds.

  6. Is the sig 100%PDN? If it is that is great work! If it isnt, then it still looks great! ;)

    My new one? Everything was made in pdn for that sig(except for the cloud stock and font of course but they were manipulated to look that way in pdn).

  7. I did not realize:

    • That I had ever implemented such a feature
    • That anyone used said feature
    • That I had subsequently removed said feature

    I can certainly look into readding it to Smudge, Liquify, and my other canvas-based plugins.

    By the way, Liquify does not depend on pyrochild.effects.REQUIRED.dll, so if you really need the old version of Smudge (which does depend on it), you can still install Liquify.

    lol oh. The version i reinstalled is 2.3.3627.29846 apparently just in case you wanted to know a version that had it. Thanks a lot for the fast reply bud.

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