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Posts posted by mF19fSIi8p

  1. I want to achieve a cool looking tach blur like this stock image.


    I have seen these in newsprint car ads, etc

    These are all the images I have made so far (just signatures)





    I have been using paint.net for about 2 weeks now.I have looked at the blur faq, tried to do blending, radial blur but it just did'nt turn out or I had no clue what I was doing to get the desired effect.

    I took two photos one with the tach at 6krpm and another with it at 7.5krpm . As much I was able to do was to line up the two layers pretty much as well as I could. Anyways I uploaded my pdn in a rar archive if someone can open it, figure it out or tell me how to get it done. Thanks.

    http://rapidshare.com/files/200240309/o ... d.rar.html

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