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Posts posted by Tayoni

  1. When Simon said "AFAIK," he wasn't referring to

    MMMMm....PPHHHH!!! *Smack Simon with a rubber chicken!* well, I'm sure he'll gimme some kind of link when he gets here!

    Hi Tayoni - I have used a free website called http://www.zoomshare.com for a few years
    :) hello *waves* yes, I'll try out that place! tricky menus won't much bother me. I know I'll get used to them. How does this place do at storing music files? The one I use now shrinks my images down to 1/2 size and you cannot link music files at all.
  2. There's my attempt at it :D Its very cool! I'm going to have fun messing around with that method. I added some extra layers to mine. One layer, I just took the original image of mud after the colors were changed and used a twist and a zoom and that made a nice glow for the back of the planet :)


  3. Have you tried GooglePages?

    *scratches head* Umm...GooglePages? No, I've never even heard of that, but I will look into it.

    Does it need to allow direct linking?

    Now, this is a new term to me. It means basically that I or someone else could take the URL of a picture file and put the URL say on here or another website, and the picture would show up where the link was pasted, and that would be a direct link? If my thick skull didn't filter too much of that, then Yes, I need direct linking. Shall I check out this AFAIK too?

  4. (sorry if this is the wrong sort of question for this particular forum. If I've done something wrong, I'll provide you with a rubber chicken and you can smack me with it...once...gently...) I already know about photobucket and imageshack. They're not what I'm looking for. I've looked all over for a similar question/discussion and don't see any.

    I'm wondering what you all would recommend for a good cheap web hosting/ free web space site so I can put all my files in one place, rather than have music codes over there, and images over there and that file over there... I've had a couple different ones but they are so full of malware and inapropriate (really, very :x innapropriate) forced adds that I'm not willing to just go try anything now without a recommendation from someone.

  5. Those are both very pretty :shock: I'd like to know how you did them so I can try to do the same thing for practice as I'm pretty new here as well. That's very nice for first images and you should do more! Make one that's got silvery/pink looking mandelbrot fractals and a dark red/maroon BG

  6. I've been doing just that, Helen, drawing stuff, or using pics I got and just playing around. There's only so much I can learn on my own doing that though, so i go into tutorials to get new ideas to play around with some more.

    Instruction in the tutorials are sometimes written in such a way that I can't do them without having to go do three other tutorials. For example, here's a step I saw somewhere "Type something."

    Okay...what if I didn't know that you need to click on a new tool to be able to type something? Okay yeah we should know this stuff from doing the interactive beginner's guide or reading the help files. (I knew very well how to type something btw that's just an example of what I've been runing into) but how about a tiny reminder? How about saying..."go get the 'text tool' and type something."

    There's also other problems like this one is a good example viewtopic.php?f=34&t=26967

    the title looked like something I wanted to try. Basic and easy.

    I'm assuming that the tutorial was done with images and instructions attached right into the images. There's nothing there now at all, so I can't learn that one. I hope it gets updated, or redone.

    I know I'm trying to make a point here, but i think I'm so new that I don't know what it is I'm trying to say. *pulls out hair and runs in circles*

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  7. Whatever you want. The tutorials are there for your (the user) benefit. Pick whatever interests you.

    :( the problem is, when I pick the ones that I want, I find things in them that are over my head right now and I just end up getting stuck. :oops: I think I need to get a tutorial with no plugins required that'll give me a really good lesson on layers, what to do with them and show how the transparency values effect each layer.

  8. I got Paint.net monday and I'm doing fairly well. Been through the help files, did a couple newbie guide things so I know my way around the menus. I'm stuck trying to figure out what to learn to do next and I've been looking around at the tutorials and reading them but I don't know which one to do.

    Is there maybe a list that shows poor n00bs what order to use the existing tutorials so we don't grab one that's way over our heads? Maybe some guide that says, "Now you've done these 4 tutorials, try these next 3 tutorials in any order."

    Anyhoo, if there's no list. And I know pretty much all the basics and have done the tuts for wet floor reflection, "make a wave" and some other one to make parchement...and I've played around with all the tools...(magic wand is still a bit ...mysterious) I've made some of my own stuff by now like a setting sun and taken a cat out one picture and put it over a background, so I know a bit about layering. I am not ready yet to add plugins tho. I want to get more time with the exising tools in the box before I add more.

    So, what tut would you recommend I try next?

  9. Maybe...what you might like to try is to take the bottom image of Jesus sitting in front of the house with kids. Surround it with a dark golden/brown sort of woodsy looking frame and somewhere at the bottom use;

    "The Lord Is Our Shepherd..." and put that in a caligraphy style. Or use some other fragment, phrase, or expression that might mean something to the kids you teach. maybe ask them what they'd like to see on this binder?

    One image that is sticking in my mind from my own educational days (that stuck with me all this time) was a picture of Jesus holding a book or a scroll and a bunch of kids around him listening to what he was reading. I wish you had something like that to use, it'd fit the theme you're looking for perfectly.

  10. I am new to this as well, :) since I don't know what you've tried already, i'll just throw out an idea. If you already tried it, sorry. Hopefully someone else might know how to help.

    Go to the color's window, and make sure when you choose black that its going into the "Primary color" box. Then go to the tool box and choose the paint bucket and fill in the white area of your picture.

    If the paint bucket thing won't fill in the white area of your image, I think that means you've got a pixel-patterned color rather than a true white. It could be a pattern of pastel colors so if you use the paint bucket trying to fill, it might just be coloring one or two pixels that you cannot see. I hope I actually am helping instead of looking like a n00b... :oops:

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