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Posts posted by Boom

  1. I have read the tut on how to make a flag wave but it hasn't helped me to, say, place words on a rocky mountain side that seem to fit the contours of the rock face. Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated. Please don't send me the link to the flag waving tut because it doesn't show you how to do things like that. Thank you.

  2. It is true that I have been a member for a few months and I know the rules. I have been to this tut many times and can easily make flags wave but it has been of little help to me when it comes to placing things like text onto sand or like when you put the text on a girls neck in a comment on another forum. I seem to end up with tiles and no color when I use the displacement. That is why I asked for help in the General Discussion. Sorry if it irks you but this is the only thing so far that I am having a difficult time with.

  3. I was looking for a tut I had used before and forgot to book mark. It was about putting an image onto another image and making it blend well. I remember the example used was a coke a cola sticker put on a wall. I know it isn't exactly the greatest clue but I would appreciate very much if someone could link me to it. I have gone through the entire tut list a few times and can't find it. Thanx. Be cool, I remain....


  4. You are all a frickin' god send. The effects are all working. I thank you immensely. I have another question though. Sorry. I didn't see a folder in there for adding "Ghastly Panic" font. Where should I put it to make it work? The description I read before said place it in a "Fonts" folder but mine doesn't have one. Thank you so much, again. Now I can, at least, randomly pollute peoples lives with my terrible artwork. lol

  5. ok. Here are the steps I take.

    I download whatever plugin from the PDN forum and save it to the computer.

    I open the file and extract the information to another folder.

    I go into my computer and click on my PDN icon which gives me the option of a "Effects" folder or a "Fonts" folder.

    I click on the "Effects" folder and open it up.

    I highlight and drag whatever plugins I had extracted and drop them into the "Effects" folder.

    I then close the windows and shut PDN and open it again.

    I check to see if the new plugins are available and since my successful download of the "Dents" plugin, they have not been.

    These are the steps I take when attempting to load new plugins.

  6. I picked up PDN a few days ago and am figuring out the basics and trying to get a hold of things. I started downloading plugins like Dent and they worked well. Then I downloaded a pack with Feather and a few others and they aren't working at all. I tried deleting them and redownloading and installing them and made sure they were in the "Effects" folder of PDN and that still didn't work. I also downloaded "Ghastly Text" font from ttr and it extracted fine, was placed in the fonts folder and even opened well in another program but is unable to be found when I try to use it on PDN. Can anyone offer a new guy some advice? Thanks. Be cool, I remain....


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