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Posts posted by cazaron

  1. to that previous statement "smudge the planet more" i very heavily object. things in space blend (in the instance of the black hole? and the other orange nebulae.) planets on the other hand do not blend. they stand out. too many stars, and the whole image looks just cut this then paste ont black background, repeat. smudge wouldnt have been my weapon of choice in this image.

    if youre considering re-doing this (or updating it), keep these 5 points in mind

    - i said it once, ill say it again. things in space blend. nebulas do not look like the end, they fade from space to nebulae.

    - a word of advice, less often is more (stars)

    -if you are to use smudge, dont go too overboard. the occasional very small smudge on the planet would look better :wink:

    -position is everything. i like where the planet is. but, half of the rest of the image looks empty.

    -if you dont feel like doing something, or are tired, dont do it! youre best work comes from when you're alert and ready.

    all this may sound like i dont like it, i do. i like it, but, as with yellowman's picture above, constrctive criticism improves your work. (see his first image, and everyone chipped in, then see the improvement that happened through to the awesome last image.) if you continue like this, it'll be really good. if you do improve this, post it in your gallery, ill come and give feedback :wink:

  2. check out the two spacescape tutorials in regard to that sun. they may shed some light on what to do, as it needs improvement. the rest is good, try having a different layout for the stuff around, like the planet in the top corner, the nebulae in the center, and the spaceship being sucked in etc. if youre going to have a sun in this, make sure you do lighting well.

  3. birds are better, but, still a fair way to go, keep updating it and put it up here, we'll make it better together. i much prefer what youve done with it this time, try having just the occasional bird close to the sun, as it obtrudes much less.

    less is more, as many people say.

    the clouds, are much nicer, even more peaceful to look at. the sun is the right colour, but, as i said before, try adding a layer of orange and transparent (primary and secondary colours) clouds effect to the sun, to create texture. the colour palette is more aesthetically pleasing to look at now too. the colours blend now. it works much better now.

    great job yellowman!

  4. the birds look very out of place. they draw too much attention from the rest of the image. also, i would change the colour of the sun, to be a lighter shade of red, or a dark shade of orange, and make a firelike cloud texture using clouds, with orange and either red or yellow.

    i really do like the outside, with the clouds in a ring, and the name of it brings many serene thoughts.i do like the fairly subtle lighting as you move towards the inside. this is a piece that you really need to look at to like a lot, i think. the more i look at it, the more i like it, but, as i said before, the birds look too out of place.

  5. wow JAD, this is nice. your spacescape is really well done, with the effect of the wavy lines on the planet. really good. really, now, the most effective way i can help is by saying keep it up, andif other users say something, dont take it to heart, but take it to mind. most of the time, if someone says your work needs improving, ask how and learn from them. most users have had PDN for a long time.

    so far, your stuff is really good.

    Keep it up.


  6. The hummingbird is beautiful. I have to say, I like the lomo idea too..


    I created a new layer, did a lomo over it, with exposure set to 0. Selected the white center, used transparency on it, then set the layer opacity to 185.

    yeah this was kinda the effect i was going for, i like it, but, as you say oma, you dont like dark pictures. i think the lomo brings out the light in the centre, and the hummingbird with the flowers quite nicely, but, each to their own.

  7. that dragon blade/sabre. Epic. I love it. the backgrounds of a lot of your stuff are abstract/dents using, with an interesting colour scheme. i think though, that with the skills youve already learned, try setting a big project, like Oma, she makes animals and all sorts of real things. i think, if you gave yourself a few days/weeks, to try something realistic, it'd come out really really well. looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future.

  8. to the picture just above this post, how about applying lomography? i think it'd look really good with a smaller focus, so we can appreciate the artwork's main focus more. the edges are already slightly lomo'd anyway, but to add the lomo effect... awesome.

  9. you know my only problem? those little words joining the letters. it... i dunno, bugs me a fair bit. other than that, my breath is gone. i need to find it. i really love the concept.

    Thanks man. Tbh i think the words between looks a bit odd too, but i had to have them there otherwise the direction of the words you're supposed to read messes up. :P

    i didnt think about that.

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