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Everything posted by Speckles

  1. Hi, new to the forum. I've just recently been put in charge of planning and teaching a week-long computer camp for kids age 7-12. One of the most popular lessons in this camp from the years before has been an introduction to Photoshop, which I have no experience with. I'm not too worried though since I have about a month and a half to learn it - not enough time to become a genius, but probably enough to teach a one day introduction to it. However, I was thinking that since I have no experience with computer art at all (beyond just messing around), it would make way more sense for me to familiarize myself with and teach the kids a program they can get for free, as opposed to one that costs $600. Which is how I arrived at Paint.Net. Now, the information on the boards is probably enough for me to figure out how to do this all by myself. I don't have to become an expert to at least give the kids an idea of how to use the program. But I would really appreciate some input from people who actually know what they are doing. What are some of the things you would want to let kids know if you were going to try to teach them?
  2. First attempt at using Paint.Net ever.
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