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Everything posted by icepack_14

  1. I guess you're right Myrddin. Anyone got BuzzKill's profile link?
  2. Mike, that's very cool but it's not what I mean...although do you have that in an ico or png? And Simon, I think you're right. I remember it being in somebody's gallery/sig.
  3. It's like the default Paint.NET icon.....only 3D. Thanks in advance.
  4. I would also like to know. I don't think those tutorials are what he meant.
  5. Is there a plugin to... say you have a red and blue picture. You don't want to change the blue part of the picture but just the red portion of it. Is there a plugin for that? I know I can use the magic wand buts its never perfect. It always has those un-even edges.
  6. I hate having to rotate the picture just to do that. Is there like a plugin or effect that can help me out?
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