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Posts posted by rorrison

  1. I came to make the same request. I'll try the suggestions here, but a tool that let you draw a line and then straighten it would be great. (I do a lot of scanning of photos, and it's very difficult to get things to line up right on the scanner.) It's tenths or even hundredths of a degree, but when you've got a photo with a border it's very visible when it's off by a tiny bit.

  2. I'm responsible for 20+ PCs in the office. Some I've upgraded to SP3, some are still at SP2. I'm paranoid about service pack upgrades, since installing SP1 once failed and required a full re-install, and one of my recent SP3 upgrades didn't come back up after its automatic reboot (though it did after a subsequent manual reboot). I'll only apply a service pack if a) the user of the PC is out of the office for the day and B) I'll have time during the day to sort out any problems possibly including a full reinstall.

    I have no objection to SP3, the only delay is having time to allocate, and indeed if you require SP3 for Paint.NET I'll probably push myself a bit harder to get the upgrades done.

    (I would like to make it clear that those two incidents are the only two problems I've had with XP service pack upgrades out of perhaps 40, and I don't consider them representative. The problems I've had aren't the reason I don't upgrade, it's planning the time to deal with problems if they do happen.)

  3. This is a photo taken at a professional photoshoot with a model, it's a non-trivial and expensive exercise to re-take the photo.

    I haven't found a program yet that can't open and display the file and all EXIF meta-data correctly.

    If Paint.NET can open it, display it, edit it, save as other format, copy and paste the image, what kind of corruption could there be in the original image file that would prevent it saving it as JPG? And is it not worth investigating what's happening when it tries to save it?

  4. Hi,

    If I open the attached image in Paint.NET I cannot then do a Save As in JPG format. After clicking Save on the Save As dialog, I get the "Save Configuration" dialog with the message "Preview, file size: (error)" (see attached error1.jpg). If I click OK anyway I get an error message "There was an unspecified error while saving the file." (error2.jpg) and a 0-byte file is created. I'm able to save other files in .jpg format (the disk isn't full!) and I can save the attached image as .PNG, open that, then save it as .JPG.

    Um, ok - the forum won't let me attach the file because it's too big (1MB). I've uploaded it to my website: http://www.orrison.com/blue%20stripe%20suit-016.jpg

    (Why am I just opening the .JPG and then doing Save As .JPG? I'm resizing it, but that step isn't necessary to reproduce the problem.)

    Very interesting... Windows Paint, Microsoft Office 2003 Picture Manager, and Windows Picture and Fax Viewer are also unable to save the file. Firefox can, but I suspect that it's just copying the disk file rather than trying to save the image that it has loaded into memory.

    Hardware/Software details: Dell Optiplex GX520, Celeron 2.6Ghz, 1GB RAM, 75GB HD (24GB free), Windows XP SP 2 using Paint.NET v3.20 (Final Release build 3.20.2902.32954). Same thing happens at home on my Acer Aspire E300 with 1.5GB RAM, running Windows XP SP 2 using Paint.NET v3.22 (Final Release build 3.22.2933.24445).


    Randy Orrison

    (I had used the Help / Send feedback or bug report on 28 December, which created an email to paint.net@hotmail.com, but I have received no response of any sort.)



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