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  1. Thank you, Mr. Blooper ! Now I'm off to try and figure out how to make a stick figure bow so I'll be ready for the next performance !! Later, LuLu :wink:
  2. Oh, is that what that is? I have such a dry sense of humor, I couldn't tell. Actually, Sir, I am quite familiar with "Sarcasm" , as I am the Queen of Sarcasm. In other words my last post was dripping with it. You all just might have met your match here. I can stand toe to toe with anybody, literally, because being a hillbilly, I don't have no shoes. I thought for sure the "Warmth from the hot stick your jabbing me with" would have given it away. If I sounded like I took it the wrong way, it was on purpose. :shock: You'll find I love to make people laugh, well ok , I like making myself laugh. Hopefully, I didn't hurt BoltBait's feelings. If I did, lick your wounds and get back on here and show me what ya got ! LuLu the Laughing Hillbilly
  3. Ouch, you are brutal, Sir. Lots of friendly members, huh, now is that including you? Because I can really feel the warmth from your hot stick you keep jabbing me with! I have yet to find a place that I didn't get along fine in, of course, there's always a first. ( Thought I'd point that out before you had the chance.) I assume that I found all my faults in my first post, as I noticed you didn't point any others out. Am I correct? I'll be sure and keep my eyes open for the friendlys around here, I have a feeling they may be few and far between. :wink: LuLu
  4. Mr. BoltBait, I'm truly sorry, Sir. I unfortunately have a tendacy to try and write my post as I hear it in my head. In other words, when I talk, I get very animated and overly excited. I know that rule #5 , no "!!!", "???", and the extra "o's" in the word "so" was definately one I broke. Quite possibly I broke a rule when I chose my first post to be on this particular thread. Also, I meant, being a Newbie, I'm glad I joined after the new, "Do not bite newbies" rule. But, I can not apologize for being a blonde, or a hillbilly,(This is why I say "ya'll".) I will how ever apologize for saying "cause" instead of "because" and "alotta" instead of "a lot of". I promise I will always read and do my best to search for answers to my questions before I ever ask anyones help, Sir. I understand how annoying it would be for the Mods to have to answer the exact same question over and over again. Not to mention what a waste of your time it is. I'm sure being a Mod is both a rewarding and exausting job. I can't imagine someone asking to be a Mod. (rule 19) Clearly if you have to ask to be a Mod, you probably are not qualified. That is a rule I will never break ! Of course the "Must Read All The Rule First" was the biggest and most important rule I broke ! I have to say again that the talented people and impressive graphics they have created are truly amazing to me. I really look forward to learning how to use Paint.Net. I hope I figured out all the rules I broke in my post. Please let me know if I missed any. I don't want to be a burden to you or anyone else for that matter. I can take any constructive criticism, it's the destructive criticism that is hard to swallow. Last but not least, "Thanks So Much " for welcoming me to the board, Sir. That sentence alone, made me brave enough to post again and try to correct all the previous mistakes I made. I hope I did better this time ! LuLu the Embarassed Hillbilly :oops:
  5. Boy am I glad I just joined today !!! Cause being a blonde hillbilly, I'm gonna need alotta guidance !!! :oops: I'm just sooo amazed at all the talented people and their graphics on their posts !!!! I can't wait till I learn what ya'll know !!!!!!
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