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Everything posted by airspeed

  1. Hi there, I had the same problem. Everytime I hit save, Paint would shutdown. I was doing a screenshot and it was the only way I knew how to do it. I had to abandon my project. It finaly dawned on me that Paint was shutting down because my computer was overloaded. DUH, (I guess I was thrown off because the program shutdown before the dialog box opened.) But not before I tried restoring, reformating and buying a new harddrive. :oops: SO I moved my pics out of the My Picture folder and put them in another folder so I could use the Paint program again. There is another workaround, but you have to be a genius. Here is the link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/04/03/CQA/ and the quote: Fortunately, in this case that way is not hard to find. Once again Spy++ comes to the rescue. Spelunking with Spy++ reveals what happens when the user selects a different view, using the dropdown menu in Figure 4. The dialog sends a WM_COMMAND message to the SHELLDLL_DefView, with command ID = 0x702c. So to change the view to details, all you have to do is send a WM_COMMAND—to the shell window, not the list control: :shock:
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