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  1. thanks, that was what I was looking for. This seems like a pain to do. Why hasnt their been a built in text feature that does this? Theres loads of other "Fill settings" why not add a few new ones called gradient down, gradient right..etc and use the primary color for the top and the secondary colors for the bottom..etc. Anyway thanks for your help.
  2. are we talking about the same thing? It seems like where not.... In photoshop and paint shop pro there's a setting where you can pick the top and bottom color or left and right color and it will add that gradient in the text. I attacked an example of one I just did in paint shop pro. PS. If your wondering why I don't just use PSP its becuse the program locks up on Windows Media Center for some reason and paint.net does not. I was hopping a simple feature like this would be pre-built into it but it seems its not (or maybe I overlooked it).
  3. thanks, it seems this effect wasn't what I needed. I cant seem to apply it to text. It only effects the background
  4. that didnt help me at all...all I see if people asking questions about almost the same thing I am...is their no easy way to make gradient text? I guess I'll stick with paint shop pro for now then. You obviously only read the very first post in that thread. It's full of helpful information telling you how to do exactly what you are trying to do. (Either that, or you are simply not being nearly specific enough with your question) I just downloaded your viewtopic.php?f=16&t=20590&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=Mapping.dll dll and put it in the effects folder. Then I started paint.net and I cant seem to find the effect..
  5. that didnt help me at all...all I see if people asking questions about almost the same thing I am...is their no easy way to make gradient text? I guess I'll stick with paint shop pro for now then.
  6. How do you make a simple gradient text like in photoshop? I cant find any build in plug-ins and the gradient effect does not apply to text for some reason.
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