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Posts posted by OnlineCop

  1. It wasn't so much the wood texture I was having a problem with. It was more just "the handle" itself. I've browsed the forums quickly for a good "handle" tutorial, but haven't found much.

    I was even looking for a plugin that would distort something from | | to more of a \ / shape. That way, I could give it a little semblance of depth.

    Maybe even a non-wooden handle would look good on a blade like this. But now I'm trying to adapt this to make me some nice throwing dagger, complete with the little groove down the blade (whatever that thing is called):


  2. I've had a hard time trying to figure out how to do a nice handle for the sword. Here's my try:


    I've never used Photobucket before, so if this doesn't show up, I'll have to try something else :)

    Edit: @welshblue: the handle on that looks really cool. Did you use a tutorial on PdN to generate that? If so, what keywords should I use to search for it?

  3. I have a laptop that allows both vertical and horizontal scrolling.

    Quite by accident, my thumb brushed the horizontal scroll to the right while my mouse was positioned over the buttons at the bottom of the "Layers" tool window. The entire row of buttons ("Add new layer", "Delete layer", "Duplicate layer", etc.) "slid" down off the bottom of the window and were gone. I had to close and reopen the toolbar (F7, I think) or switch away from PdN and back so it forced the window to redraw.

    Not a major bug, but I thought I'd report it with as detailed steps as possible so see if others can reproduce it.

    Anyone else have a laptop with horizontal scroll? This only appears to happen when scrolling to the RIGHT. It doesn't appear to do this when scrolling UP, DOWN or LEFT.

    This is using version 3.35 (downloaded the latest stable release a few hours ago).

  4. I heard about http://cimg.sourceforge.net/ from one of the programming forums I usually read, and wondered, with all of the plugins and special effects for Paint.NET, whether any of the effects found there are used to referred to when making plugins?

    I know it's written in C++, but it doesn't seem very difficult to implement into .NET.

    ...or is this thread the first time most of you have heard of that project :wink: ?

  5. Newbie here. :) Does anyone know how to make those cute country people graphics using paint.net. I would love to start making my own country graphics. Thank you

    "Cute country people graphics"? Are we talking coveralls and cowdung here, or are you talking those pleasantly rolling hills with a barn, chicken coop, and a barb-wire fence?

    Seriously, though. What are you talking about? Add a little more detail to your request. What is a "country person graphic"?

  6. Are you making it into a .gif or a flash?

    Actually, neither. I'm going to make a bunch of individual images and string them together in-game. Whatever the format, it would have to support alpha blending.

    Pyrochild: I can already make the sprites animate. What I'm not sure how to do is to create the actual image(s) that will be animated. I'm good at programming, poor at graphics and graphic designing.

    One site had animated water where the ripples looked almost like the Cloud plugin, which faded into and out of view. I've tried this, and I don't mind having dozens, even hundreds, of layers to make sure everything "melds together" correctly. My problem is simply making realistic movement.

    The "best looking" way to do this is probably create something with Blender3D, Maya, etc., but I'm also no good at modeling, so it would take just as long to model a single character as it would be to write half of the game code :roll:

  7. I've been toying with animation for games, and wondered if there were tutorials on how to make several "progressive" images... the kind that if you were to cycle through would give the appearance of animation?

    If I have Mr. Stick Figure, and he decides to walk, it's not too difficult to take individual body parts, each on a separate layer, and bend and distort them to make him walk around.

    However, if you have a character that will walk in a full circle, so you need the front, sides, and back, would the best thing to do is create a single "wide" image, apply the Shape3D tool, and rotate it just enough to get a sort of perspective from all the different angles? If you do it this way, how would you then get the same effect of the character walking, running, etc?

    I don't even care if the tutorial links go to external sites... I'd really like to incorporate the general ideas into Paint.NET. If I get one working, and I get something good turn out, I'll even post my Tut on how I did it!

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