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About Kasreyn

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. It did not seem like I would get any help with this so I made a quick hack: sregPath = "SOFTWARE\Classes\Paint.NET.1\shell\edit\command" Set oRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:root\default:StdRegProv") If oRegistry.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sregPath, "", sString) = 0 Then sString = Mid(sString, 2, Len(sString) - 7) Call RunWinApp(sString, sPath) Else sString = "MSPaint" Call RunWinApp(sString, sPath) End If
  2. Actually, creating a link is a circular argument. I would need to know the path to create such a link. However, the installer for Paint.Net could create such a link.
  3. The company I am working for are interested in using PaintDotNet as a default image editing program. What this comes down to is that MSPaint is already in the system path and can be run by just calling "MSPaint" without path or extension. I would like to see the same thing for PaintDotNet. But the installer would need to add PaintDotNet to the system path. You can find the path in Control panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System variables -> Path Would it be possible to add PaintDotNet to this path ? If not, is there perhaps some other solution ? A registry key that can be read ? It would help me as a developer tremedously if PaintDotNet was added to the system path by the installer. And it should be in your interest too because it makes it a lot easier to switch over.
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