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Posts posted by jsonchiu

  1. Yeah, open-source it, and we (maybe) can help you solve the bug!

    I met the same "coord out of range" bug too while developing my AA plugin. (fixed)

    It's because when looping through pixels "around" the corners, some of them will get nasty values like "-1, -1" or "1281, 801."

    Good plugin though!

    Note: my AA plugin works only in "grow" mode, which means that the shape grow in size.

    The more it grows the more smooth it is. 7 is the optimal (if growing doesn't matter).

  2. If anybody is interested, go to my Diagonal Lines Plugin thread page 2. I've got the script that allows different angles for the lines. The problem is that I cannot compile a 4-slider plugin with Codelab. It would be very helpful if anybody can help me create the interface. (Then, instead of having 1000 plugins about lines, you only need 1)

  3. I just did some modification (after reviewing trig stuff).

    Can anybody just do some interface work for me? Codelab doesn't allow 4 sliders... (duh)

    int Amount1=40;	//[3,200] Scanline Interval
    int Amount2=1;	//[1,200] Brush Width
    int Amount3=5;	//[0,9] Antialias Level
    int Amount4=45; //[0,179] Angle
    void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
       PdnRegion selectionRegion = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds);
       ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor;
       ColorBgra CurrentPixel;
       //modifying my (x + y) % Amount1 Algorithm, we multiply the x and y by certain value
       double xfactor = 1;
       double yfactor = 1;
       //if y is longer than x, we modify y factor, and vice versa
       if (Amount4 <= 45 || (Amount4 > 135 && Amount4 < 225) || Amount4 > 315)
       	yfactor = Math.Tan(Amount4 * (3.14159/180));
           xfactor = 1 / Math.Tan(Amount4 * (3.14159/180));
       for(int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
           for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
               if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(x, y))
                   CurrentPixel = src[x,y];
                   double testnum = (x*xfactor + y*yfactor);
                   if (testnum < 0)
                       //make the number a positive before doing the modular (%) operation
                       testnum = testnum + Amount1 * 1000000;
                   double modular = testnum % Amount1;
                   //if modular < thickness
                   if (modular < Amount2)
                       if ((int)(PrimaryColor.A) == 255)
                           CurrentPixel.R = (byte)PrimaryColor.R;
                           CurrentPixel.G = (byte)PrimaryColor.G;
                           CurrentPixel.B = (byte)PrimaryColor.B;
                           CurrentPixel.A = (byte)PrimaryColor.A;
                           //some code to multiply color to alpha
                           int alpha = (int)(PrimaryColor.A);
                           int inv_alpha = 255 - alpha;
                           CurrentPixel.R = (byte)(((int)(PrimaryColor.R) * alpha + (int)(CurrentPixel.R) * inv_alpha) / 255);
                           CurrentPixel.G = (byte)(((int)(PrimaryColor.G) * alpha + (int)(CurrentPixel.G) * inv_alpha) / 255);
                           CurrentPixel.B = (byte)(((int)(PrimaryColor. * alpha + (int)(CurrentPixel. * inv_alpha) / 255);
                           if ((int)(CurrentPixel.A) < (int)255)
                               int temp;
                               if ((int)(PrimaryColor.A) + (int)(CurrentPixel.A) >= 255)
                                   temp = 255;
                                   temp = (int)(PrimaryColor.A) + (int)(CurrentPixel.A);
                               CurrentPixel.A = (byte)(((int)(CurrentPixel.A) + temp) / 2);
                               CurrentPixel.A = (byte)255;
                   else if (Amount3 > 0)
                       //if pixel is beside the line, we do our antialias operation
                       if (modular <= Amount2 + 1 ||
                           modular >= Amount1 - 1)
                           double factor = 0;
                           if (modular >= Amount1 - 1)
                               factor = 1 - (modular - Amount1 + 1);
                               factor = 1 - (Amount2 - modular + 1);
                           //hacks to get around special angles
                           if (Amount4 == 45)
                               factor += 0.8;
                           else if (Amount4 == 90)
                               factor = 0;
                           else if (Amount4 == 135)
                               factor -= 0.7;
                           //our antialias routine
                           int mul = (int)((10 - Amount3) * factor);
                           int div = mul + 1;
                           CurrentPixel.R = (byte)(((int)(PrimaryColor.R) + mul * (int)(CurrentPixel.R)) / div);
                           CurrentPixel.G = (byte)(((int)(PrimaryColor.G) + mul * (int)(CurrentPixel.G)) / div);
                           CurrentPixel.B = (byte)(((int)(PrimaryColor. + mul * (int)(CurrentPixel.) / div);
                           //alpha multiplication
                           if ((int)(CurrentPixel.A) < (int)255)
                               int temp;
                               if ((int)(PrimaryColor.A) + (int)(CurrentPixel.A) >= (int)255)
                                   temp = 255;
                                   temp = (int)(PrimaryColor.A) + (int)(CurrentPixel.A);
                               CurrentPixel.A = (byte)((temp + mul * (int)(CurrentPixel.A)) / div);
                               CurrentPixel.A = (byte)255;
                   //and we are done
                   dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;

  4. Rounded bevel - beta 1.0 release.



    Works well with small depth and single color (sort of a inner glow effect).

    It of course works great with rectangular selection and circular selection with any colors.

    I'm still trying to figure out how to blend the colors (so it transitions from highlight to shadow smoothly)

    Also, anti-aliasing is another problem...

    The code (pm if anybody would like to help)

    int Amount1=7;	//[0,200]Depth
    int Amount2=20;	//[0,100]Strength
    System.Collections.ArrayList sin_arr = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
    System.Collections.ArrayList cos_arr = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
    void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
       PdnRegion selectionRegion = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds);
       // Delete any of these lines you don't need
       Rectangle selection = this.EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt();
       long CenterX = (long)(((selection.Right - selection.Left) / 2)+selection.Left);
       long CenterY = (long)(((selection.Bottom - selection.Top) / 2)+selection.Top);
       int left = (int)selection.Left;
       int top = (int)selection.Top;
       int right = (int)selection.Right;
       int bottom = (int)selection.Bottom;
       ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor;
       ColorBgra SecondaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.SecondaryColor;
       int BrushWidth = (int)EnvironmentParameters.BrushWidth;
       ColorBgra CurrentPixel;
       if (cos_arr.Count == 0)
       	for (int v = 0; v <= 360; v++)
       	    sin_arr.Add((float)Math.Sin((float)v * ((float)3.14159 / (float)180)));
       	    cos_arr.Add((float)Math.Cos((float)v * ((float)3.14159 / (float)180)));
       for(int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
           for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
               if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(x, y))
                   CurrentPixel = src[x,y];
                   //let's search for the nearest radius
                   int prevX = -1;
                   int prevY = -1;
                   bool found = false;
                   int max;
                   float factor;
                   for (int i = 1; i <= Amount1; i++)
                       max = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)i * (float)3.14159) + 1;
                       factor = 360 / (float)max;
                       for (int m = 0; m <= max; m++)
                           int element = (int)Math.Floor(factor * (float)m);
                           int newX = (int)((float)cos_arr[element] * (float)i) + x;
                           int newY = (int)((float)sin_arr[element] * (float)i) + y;
                           if (newX != prevX || newY != prevY)
                               prevX = newX;
                               prevY = newY;
                               if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(prevX, prevY) == false)
                                   found = true;
                                   if (element > 315 || element < 125)
                                       CurrentPixel = transformPixel(i, CurrentPixel, SecondaryColor);
                                       CurrentPixel = transformPixel(i, CurrentPixel, PrimaryColor);
                       if (found == true)
                   dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;
    ColorBgra transformPixel(float px_from_edge, ColorBgra CurrentPixel, ColorBgra NewColor)
       //set amount of background interference 0~1 (ie how much it blends to the background)
       float diff = (float)(0.05 + px_from_edge/Amount1);
       float strength = (float)((float)(100 - Amount2) / 100 + (float)0.35);
       diff = diff * strength;
       if (diff > 1)
           diff = 1;
       else if (diff < 0)
           diff = 0;
       //some vars just for convenience, more readable
       float div = diff + 1;
       float invrt_diff = 1 - diff;
       //we set the RGB to primary color if it is completely transparent (black is the default)
       //That should solve
       if (CurrentPixel.A == 0)
           CurrentPixel.R = NewColor.R;
           CurrentPixel.G = NewColor.G;
           CurrentPixel.B = NewColor.B;
       //and we are ready to color the pixels
       //ex: if 70% background interference
       //we have 70% of original color's R plus 30% of the new color's R
       CurrentPixel.R = (byte)((invrt_diff * (float)NewColor.R) + (diff * (float)CurrentPixel.R));
       CurrentPixel.G = (byte)((invrt_diff * (float)NewColor.G) + (diff * (float)CurrentPixel.G));
       CurrentPixel.B = (byte)((invrt_diff * (float)NewColor. + (diff * (float)CurrentPixel.);
       //transparency values need special manipulation to prevent bad-looking renders
       float temp = CurrentPixel.A + NewColor.A;
       if (temp > 255)
           temp = 255;
       temp = ((int)CurrentPixel.A + temp) / 2;
       if (CurrentPixel.A < 255)
           temp = temp * (1 + (float)invrt_diff);
       if (temp > 255)
           temp = 255;
       CurrentPixel.A = (byte)temp;
       //and we are done
       return CurrentPixel;

  5. From my understanding, the math is quite simple -- take the average color of the pixels inside the radius. It's not any high level math at all.

    There are 2 for loops inside the render() function where coloring takes place, and the variable x literally means the x-position of the pixel, and the variable y means the y-position of the pixel.

    Also, it's not that hard to learn programming. It will certainly take some time, but read a few books, do some projects, and you are set.

  6. Completely unrelated to the sample script in codelab, I wrote this code myself.

    It continuously color the image through as a gradient and it supports zooming up to 10^16.

    The accuracy of the xpan/ypan is to 10^-14

    Paste the code into code lab, and experience with the 4 values.

    If you keep the values unchanged, and keep adding 0's to the Amount3, you will see a zooming sequence similar to the one in Wikipedia (and it goes to the maximum accuracy - about 10^16) which lands on an island.

    I couldn't do any anti-alias to the image, so it might look a bit too sharp.

    Example (I made a large image, resize it, and sharpen a little bit):


    long Amount1=74657146173202;	//[-100000000000000, 100000000000000]Xpan
    long Amount2=10498959565562;	//[-100000000000000, 100000000000000]Ypan
    long Amount3=256;	//[50, 10000000000000000]Zoom
    int max = 16384; //[0, 131702]Maximum iteration (Accuracy)
    double mod = 256; //value doesn't matter, as long as the variable "mod" is declared
    void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
       PdnRegion selectionRegion = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds);
       // Delete any of these lines you don't need
       Rectangle selection = this.EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt();
       long CenterX = (long)(((selection.Right - selection.Left) / 2)+selection.Left);
       long CenterY = (long)(((selection.Bottom - selection.Top) / 2)+selection.Top);
       ColorBgra PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor;
       ColorBgra SecondaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.SecondaryColor;
       int BrushWidth = (int)EnvironmentParameters.BrushWidth;
       ColorBgra CurrentPixel;
       for(int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
           for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
               if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(x, y))
                   CurrentPixel = src[x,y];
                   ColorBgra prevPix1;
                   ColorBgra prevPix2;
                   ColorBgra prevPix3;
                   if (x > 1 && y > 1)
                       prevPix1 = dst[x-1,y];
                       prevPix2 = dst[x-1,y-1];
                       prevPix3 = dst[x, y-1];
                       prevPix1 = prevPix2 = prevPix3 = dst[x,y];
                   double r = (double)(x - CenterX) / Amount3 + ((double)Amount1 / 100000000000000) * (-1);
                   double i = (double)(y - CenterY) / Amount3 + ((double)Amount2 / 100000000000000) * (-1);
                   double iter = (double)(mandelbrot(r, i));
                   CurrentPixel.A = 255;
                   CurrentPixel.R = (byte)(getR(iter));
                   CurrentPixel.G = (byte)(getG(iter));
                   CurrentPixel.B = (byte)(getB(iter));
                   dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;
    double modular(double iter)
       if (iter < 512)
           mod = 256;
           return iter % 256;
       else if (iter < 2048)
           mod = 512;
           return iter % 512;
       else if (iter < 8192)
           mod = 4096;
           return iter % 4096;
       else if (iter < 32768)
           mod = 16384;
           return iter % 16384;
           mod = 65536;
           return iter % 65536;
    int getR(double iter)
       if (iter >= max)
           return 0;
       iter = modular(iter);
       if (iter < mod / 4)
           return 0;
       else if (iter < mod / 2)
           double prev = mod / 4;
           double newIter = iter - prev;
           int col = (int)(newIter * (255 / mod * 4));
           if (col >= 255)
               return 255;
               return col;
       else if (iter < mod / 8 * 5)
           return 255;
       else if (iter < mod)
           return (int)(-1 - (iter - mod / 8 * 5) * (255 / mod * (1 / ((double)3 / 8))));
       return 0;
    int getG(double iter)
       if (iter >= max)
           return 0;
       iter = modular(iter);
       if (iter < mod / 8)
           return 0;
       else if (iter < mod / 8 * 3)
           return (int)((iter - mod / 8) * (255 / mod * 4));
       else if (iter < mod / 16 * 9)
           return 255;
       else if (iter < mod / 8 * 6)
           return (int)(-1 - (iter - mod / 16 * 9) / 2 * (255 / mod * 8));
       else if (iter < mod / 16 * 15)
           return (int)(-1 - (iter - mod / 16 * 15) * (255 / mod * (1 / ((double)12 / 16))));
       return 0;
    int getB(double iter)
       if (iter >= max)
           return 0;
       iter = modular(iter);
       if (iter < mod / 4)
           return (int)((iter + 100) * (255 / (mod / 4 + 100)));
       else if (iter < mod / 2)
           return 255;
       else if (iter < mod / 16 * 9)
           return (int)(-1 - (iter - mod / 2) * (255 / mod * 16));
           return (int)((iter - mod / 16 * 9) / 2 * (255 / mod * (1 / ((double)7 / 16))));
       return 0;
    int mandelbrot(double r, double i)
       double X = r;
       double Y = i;
       double X2 = X * X;
       double Y2 = Y * Y;
       int counter = 0;
       while ((X2 + Y2 < 4) && (counter <= max))
           Y = 2 * X * Y + i;
           X = X2 - Y2 + r;
           X2 = X * X;
           Y2 = Y * Y;
       return counter;


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