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Posts posted by Tendercrisp

  1. Rate and hate. Click the picture for the deviation link which will allow you to download the zip with all the separate buttons in three different color schemes.

    Severe lack of activity in the past 8 days. And so, I bump this thread with a set of buttons. No, this wasn't the big thing I was talking about earlier. That is yet to come. I'm working on it on and off.

    Feedback is appreciated guys.

    Cold Steel Forum Buttons


    Artist's comments

    Just some forum buttons I made out of boredom. They go with the phpBB engine. Apologies for the uninspired name.

    Art Specs:

    Time taken: About 3 hours.

    Programs used: Paint.NET

    Techniques used: Made good use of the dingfonts.

    Stocks used:


  2. Small update ladies and gentlemen, I have added a logo to my gallery.

    And being the attention whore that I am, I thought I'd give it its own gallery spot as well. 8)

    PDN forum gallery logo


    Artist's Comments

    Gallery logo for my personal gallery on the Paint.NET forums which can be found....

    Nyah > [link]

    Art Specs:

    Time Taken: Somewhere between an hour and two hours.

    Programs Used: Paint.NET

    Techniques Used: Print Screen, Rotate-zoom layer tool, text and magic wand tool. Just simple stuff mostly.

    Stocks Used:


  3. In other news, new sig. 8)

    Sorry for double post by the way, just feel the need to keep my announcements and deviations in separate posts.

    No Stairway


    Artist's comments

    Yeah. Just a sig.

    Art Specs:

    Time taken: 5 minutes.

    Programs used: Paint.NET.

    Techniques used: I used the "Kashmir" font type, the outline object plugin, and the wingdings2 font type. That's it.

    Stocks used:


  4. I'm working on something pretty big that should be released here anywhere between a few weeks and a month.

    I'll admit, it's not gonna be another "More Than Meets The Eye", but it will be my best work to date, like "Staring Death in the Face" was meant to be. But haste got to me and I rushed through it in the end and it didn't come out that well.

    I'm taking my sweet time on this one, so it can be worth the experience, and so the outcome will be worthier of praise and interwebfamez.

    It's going to be a relatively simple piece, but it will be really well-done.

    I hope.

    See you around.

  5. O.K., constructive criticism then,

    your image bleah.gif :wink:

    Just kidding, the fact is I do not feel/dare giving advices especially to the more experienced cause I still have a lot to learn, besides that I do not see much flaws, the only thing I can say is perspective seems a bit odd (the guy with the gun looks like a giant if compared to the other – I know it is a close-up, yet may be there is something wrong between proportions of his arms and legs? – but there again you might have done that intentionally to stress the power an armed person has before a defenceless subject) and I do insist, the guy there does not look like if he’s given up hope, there’s a look in his eyes like if he’s seeing someone else behind coming to rescue him (too much motion picture?)

    Thanks for the chewed cookie , here’s a half-sipped coffee for you! :lol:


    Merci beacoup pour la réponse.

    Yes, I agree. The proportions look weird to me as well. They looked weird to everyone who saw it. But I used a 3D animation program with accurately scaled human characters to help me pose the two men before I drew them. So that can't be the case. But if it really bothers everyone, let's just pretend that the man with the gun is 7 feet tall, and the poor man on his knees is about 6 feet tall. :P

    It could've been just the way I tilted the floor tile with the rotate tool.

    Or maybe the dark, seemingly-confined space (low lighting makes everything seem smaller) made the two seem like they were scrunched closer together and made one look unnaturally bigger than the other.

    Ah, who cares, I'm done with it.

    But I need to learn to draw hair realistically so I won't keep drawing bald dudes.

  6. Opiate of the Masses


    Artist's Comments

    God made me upload it.

    Art Specs:

    Time Taken: 2 hours, from concept to final product.

    Programs Used: Paint.NET

    Techniques Used: I created a more simplified version of the clouds that you can make with my "Cartoony Cloud" tutorial layered over each other. The sunny background was created with MadJik's "Light Rays" Plugin and some gradients. "God" was simply drawn with the line tool.

    Stocks used:

    http://www.allthingsbeautiful.com/all_t ... master.jpg (as a guide for drawing the hands)

  7. Suggestion: instead of using the "ctrl+f" method of labeling things...why not just link to them from your first post? To link to a specific post, check out the page image on the title bar of the post near the right side. :)

    i.e. viewtopic.php?p=175722#p175722

    Ah :lol: , I knew there was a way to do that on these forums, but I couldn't find it. I'm so used to actually clicking a Post number.

    Thanks for that. I'll update the main post.

  8. Perfect execution, background colors, characters, textures.. but the guy overthere seems not afraid to die at all, or may be he does know he is not going to die after all?

    Now I want my cookie, thanks!

    Ciao ciao

    Thanks, I wouldn't call it perfect though. The worst thing you can tell an artist, especially an amateur like me, is that their work is perfect. It doesn't motivate them to try harder in the future, and it gives them undeserved praise. There's a crapload-o-flaws I can find in my last work by myself. I'm a huge fan of constructive criticism.

    I'm a little too analytical at times though.

    Like now.

    As for the guy.... he knows he's going to die, he's just given up hope, thus an explanation for his beaten, unresisting look.

    nd heeres ur cewkie! :D :D :D


  9. Staring Death in the Face


    Artist's comments

    Death is a peculiar thing about human nature. We all know it's going to happen to us at some point, some of us have the misfortune of knowing precisely when it's going to happen, death is looming over all of us at all times, it's one of the most obvious things in life, yet we are still filled with shock and disgust when someone close to us dies, death has a predictable and unpredictable nature at the same time.

    Art Specs:

    Time taken: 3-4 days, working at an average pace of 1½ hours per day.

    Programs used: Paint.NET, endorphin 2.7 LE.

    Techniques used: I used the Line tool for drawing of characters, my own canvas isolation technique (an extension of the technique I used in my "Cutting out images the easy way, v2" tutorial) for coloring/texturing, and I used the simulation characters from naturalmotion's "endorphin 2.7 LE" program as 3D pose-able mannequins (a better explanation of this can be seen in This thread on the naturalmotion forums). I also used the soft brush technique outlined in Wither's awesome "Faking soft Brushes, etc." tutorial .

    Stocks used:

    http://www.david-higgins.com/Animation/ ... colour.jpg

    http://www.mediostream.com/Products/ima ... /Misc5.jpg


  10. PDN_forum_gallery_logo_by_Tendercrisp.png

    First off, I would like to thank David.Atwell for taking the time to delete my old thread so I can make a new one. I've been a moderator on other sites and I know how little jobs like that, when done constantly at the request of many members, can pile up to be something stressful, tedious, and unrelentingly annoying. Second, I would like to thank everyone who takes the time to comment this gallery and give me feedback, whether positive or negative. Feedback is what helps an artist improve, and it also gives him/her motivation for future works of art.

    And remember, don't lie. If you don't like my work, tell me! But be sure to tell me why, so I know how to improve myself. Also, all of my works link to their deviations on my deviantART, so comments on my deviantART as well as my forum gallery are appreciated.

    Lastly, I want to thank myself for taking the time to organize and decorate this gallery in order to ease browsing on both the brain and the eyes. I sure am awesome. 8) 8) 8)

    ^Click any of the links above to be taken to the post with the said art. Along with information about it.

  11. Yeah... well sorry D.A, I kinda knew that reviving the thread would get some negative reactions, as well as some positive. But we had this discussion in this thread once already, and it came to the same decision back then as well. The bliss thread is kinda like the Pictorium with a theme, and shouldnt be binded down to "this thread is to old to be bothered with new posts".

    Besides, if I had posted every "bliss parody" that I have done in the past (almost all of them just for my own amusement) I think I could of posted a pic every month for the last 12 months. And my absolute favorite (Calvin&Hobbies) is still used as my sons PC wallpaper.


    Edit: Dang all typos ;P

    This thread is too good to die, to be honest with ya. It'd be nice to see some of the newer members take an opportunity to post in here, now that they can.

    I'm kinda glad you mega-bumped it.

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