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Posts posted by Bob

    1. [*:13ejypoo] Download the Paint.NET installer at
    [*:13ejypoo] Create a shortcut of this installer. (Right-click > Create Shortcut)
    [*:13ejypoo] Right-click on the shortcut and add /CreateMsi at the very end of the Target : line
    [*:13ejypoo] Run the shortcut.
    [*:13ejypoo] createmsi_creating.png
    [*:13ejypoo] createmsi_packagecreated.png
    [*:13ejypoo] Rename the PaintDotNet.x86.msi file in the PaintDotNetMsi folder on your desktop as PaintDotNet_1292799713.msi
    [*:13ejypoo] and put it in C:\Program Files\Paint.Net\Staging\ (if the directories doesn't exist, create them).
    [*:13ejypoo] Reinstall Paint.NET.

  1. Exception details:
    System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. [i have no clue how to translate this. Word-by-word gives sth. like "The object specification was not set to an object instance".]

    That's it :

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    As a side note, I suggest that Paint.NET creates the changelog both in the localized version and in English

    Not useful, only the Exception matters. Here, System.NullReferenceException.

    Anyway, this crashlog doesn't mean anything, it crashed because you didn't had enough memory to create something in memory, and some part of the code called it, as it called something that didn't existed, lo and behold, it crashed.

    About your memory error, having acquired it in Paint.NET doesn't mean one has enough memory to save it, or to open it later, because you need to have one big free chunk in memory to hold it. One may have more than one free gigabyte of memory, but divided in several small pieces.

    Finally, scanning something at 1200dpi generally output a big image, what is the side of your picture, in pixels?

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