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About Togera90

  • Birthday 09/11/2001

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    Gardening, Training, Running, Swimming, Pool

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  1. new to anything printing related and photoshoppyish as well would a printer auto detect the file name and just print it as a .png or something? does it not matter? i saved after deleting/merging layers so theres only 1 layer per photo but it still says .PDN while others (which never had any additional layers the entire construction of the photo) are .png p.s. thanks. im guessing not that big of a deal but want to be prepared for tomorrow
  2. That was perfect. Thanks! didnt know that about jpg and png here i am thinking jpg is superior for some reason lmao (maybe because online images always save as jpg idk) p.s. cant experiment with printing as much as i would like because i live with mom and making something that she cant know about X_X so i gotta maximize my theory before i shell out some quick prints behind her back lol
  3. ??? probably nothing. and i know it'll be specific stuff but thats why im asking. image to file save to compress to printer to actually it being printed probably affects it like should i not print .pdn's? (havent tried printing yet (or ever in my life)) or something. thx
  4. doesnt work there is no option (using latest version of PDN btw)
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