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  1. I have 0 knowledge on HTML coding but this seems seriously impressive as it's the closest way to solving the issue, if a little scuffed (I don't think one should have to resort to advanced HTML Rendering Plugins for a font, but admittedly GIMP has this problem too, so I'm willing to say it's a problem beyond PDN itself!) At this point I don't even think I need a solution that much, but it's out of spite and closure at this point 🤣 Though I must ask, is there a way to render it with different colors, and with a transparent background? As it stands, it feels no different than typing what I want in Paint or Word and screenshotting it, since I still have to use the magic wand at the end of the day. Really appreciate the help, and I'll try to mark your answer as solved after this!
  2. I was hoping for a more refined solution, but it seems like this'll have to do for now 😔 Appreciate the attempts though everyone!
  3. Not sure if this helps, but I tinkered a bit more with it, and I've found that strangely, the WhichSymbol+ plugin displays the correct glyph when anti-aliasing is turned off (Though anti-aliasing doesn't fix it with the font tool itself). The problem with this of course is that the font looks horrible without anti-aliasing, and it'd be painstaking to individually generate characters with the plugin. Still not able to fix it, but I thought I'd mention it in case it might be helpful in troubleshooting whether it be now or in the future. Admittedly GIMP also has the same issue, but I really don't think this is the intentional design of the font, as the Windows Character Map displays it correctly in tune with the default paint program. I'm not sure if the font is rendering incorrectly, or if it's simply pulling from the wrong glyphs. The anti-aliasing trick lends itself to the former theory, but the fact that the different A/U/Y glyphs exist in the font lends itself to the latter.
  4. Maybe it is doing it correctly, as the Font Viewer displays it in the same way, but as far as I know, the font has different options for characters. Is there anyway to access this? I've even tried the WhichSymbol+ plugin, but it doesn't seem to have the options I'm looking for.
  5. Hey all, I got this new font recently called Jupiter Pro, but when attempting to use it in paint.net, the font displays a little differently, as if it were choosing the wrong glyphs. The first image, JupiterPro1, is the font being used in the default Paint program. The second image, JupiterPro2, is the font being used in paint.net, and you'll notice some differences, with the AUY looking especially funky. I've tried tinkering with CharacterMap stuff but to no avail. Any thoughts/solutions?
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