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  1. Hi, You can "stretch" a part of an image by selecting then dragging one edge of the selection a small distance to create the desired amount of stretch. This process stretches the image uniformly across the selection. Is there any way to stretch progressively across the selection? ie from zero stretch in that part of the selection that is stationary to maximum stretch at the part of the selection that is being dragged. Cheers, EJ
  2. Hello all, Sorry if this has come up before, but I sometimes need to shift images stored in layers. Those images may be made up of multiple layers. To move the entire image I have to move each layer in turn. Is there any way to select multiple layers and move the whole image? Note: images stored in other layers should not be affected. Thanks, EJ
  3. Thanks BoltBait, I'll give that a try. Cheers, EJ
  4. Thanks guys, I ended up doing a copy/past exercise. French Pattern is a defined tile sequence using 4 different size tiles. four 1 x 1 four 2 x 2 two 2 x 1 two 3 x 2 or multiples thereof... Each pattern block contains a total of 12 tiles and the whole block repeats both vertically and horizontally. This is a section of what I was after. I couldn't seem to find any plug in that created this. I think the fact that the pattern has no continuous vertical or horizontal lines, is what made it difficult to recreate. Cheers, EJ
  5. Hi, I'm new to Paint.net plugins. Can anyone tell me if there is a plugin to draw grids of French Pattern tiles? Thanks
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