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Everything posted by BrooksR

  1. My question was misunderstood. I have the graphic - just needed to know how to blend it in with the background.
  2. Please see my 2nd post where I include an image. What Effects tool(s) would you use? Thanks
  3. Please see my 2nd post where I include an image. What Effects tool(s) would you use? Thanks
  4. Please see attached gif file. This is a portion of a larger *.pdn file that is too large to post here. The pdn was created by choosing a gray background, importing a rectangular graphic image into it, then changing the image shape to oval and somehow blending the border of the oval into the gray background. The original designer is not available and I need to know how it was done and how I can recreate it with a new graphic. I'm pretty sure one or more tools from the Effects menu was used. Can you help? Thanks! Brooks
  5. Hi, I need a graphic image switched out and a small amount of text moved to an existing pdn file. Can someone help me with this? Thank you. Brooks
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