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About MaxMuhlin

  • Birthday 08/09/1942

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  1. PIXEY !!!! Ok, so I tried watching the Video and there was NO SOUND so I REALLY had to pay attention to what was going on on the screen. . . .suddenly the BOX was THERE with the ability to choose the 32 bit format for SAVING. So I went to my own copy of Paint.net. . .chose one of my open files, clicked Save As . . .etc., and YES !!!! There it all was. Now, I am "elderly" but could it be possible that the Box always came up and I totally did not SEE it because I was so sure of what I was doing (or because I'm old?) that I just went through the motions? Whatever it was, THANK YOU ! I am a changed woman. Humbled. and ever grateful. Ann K. / MaxMuhlin Wheeeeeeee!!!!!!!! And a heartfelt Thank you, to Rick Brewster, as well, of course! And to BoltBait early on, too!
  2. Hi, and again, Thanks!! I AM in Paint.net. Right now I have two Untitled screenshots on my screen IN PAINT.NET and when I click on FILE - SAVE AS - the screen that pops up and fills my entire 24" monitor is MY OWN FILE TREE, which offers me the folders from which to choose where I want to save that file, as well as the box across the bottom of the screen with the file types for me to choose from. . . In 20 years of using Paint.net, I have NEVER seen the screens that both of you are posting. This is amazing to me, because I really do sit here 10 to 12 hours a day, and Paint.net has been my graphics program of choice ever since the good ole Aldus PhotoStyler stopped working on the ever increasing sophistication of my operating systems in probably 2008 or so. Every day, day in and day out, although I use Photoshop for things like resizing images without loss, and correcting light and shadow ratios, and creating PDF files . . . truly Paint.net has always been my graphics program of choice in which to actually CREATE my images (I draw with a stylus on a WACOM and have since the early 2000s) BECAUSE PAINT.net WORKS PERFECTLY FOR ME, that is it did, until Windows 11, and until I purchased a Microsoft Surface PRO7 tablet to work on in the evenings. May I also note that I transfer files between the Surface PRO and my Hewlett Packard Desktop via a thumb drive. My files became "resistant" to vectorizing in my VectorMagic program, and then I noticed they looked "stark" when I opened them in Photoshop and I discovered the "stark" looking files which did not properly vectorize were somehow SAVED AS INDEX FILE MODE, and others were the "strange dpi" configuration which has been totally explained as being cm as opposed to inch choice on the bottom right of my Paint.net screen . . . and which no longer bothers me because I can FIX that. . . But, please . . . what are you doing to generate the screens you are showing me? If I could simply get those screens to OPEN on my computer my problems would be solved, as then I could choose the settings you are suggesting!!! Thanks, Ann K. / MaxMuhlin
  3. Ok, thanks to Rick Brewster for pointing out the inches / centimeters information. THAT is probably because of the little box at the lower right of my Paint.net screen which allows me to choose which type of measurement I want. OK, that is an easy fix, I'll just have to check that to make sure it hasn't altered, somehow. Now if I can just STOP the saving in INDEX file mode, I will be happy. I am using the latest edition of Paint.net, too, but I sure don't have the response screens coming up on my computer that you folks are showing as what comes up when one clicks a command! Thanks to Pixey for the visual of what I SHOULD GET WHEN I CLICK SAVE AS . . . but . . . when I click SAVE AS on an image. (Hi, Pixey, I actually live in Palm City! ) The screen that comes up for me when I click SAVE AS - (screenshot below) shows MY folder array within MY computer's File Explorer system, where I can click on and choose the folder in which I wish to save that image. Along the bottom of that screen is where I choose what file type I wish to save the image as. I can't even minimize that file array screen which comes up when I click "Save As" It fills my 24" monitor side to side. If there were another screen with all of those choices in the background on the Paint.net platform I wouldn't even see it. However I have NEVER had Paint.net present me with screens like you are showing me in your screenshots with any choices for saving my work in all the years that I've worked with Paint.net. The File Array on MY OWN computer's File Explorer area is all that has ever been presented to me. Thank you ALL for your kind offers to help me. I truly appreciate your thoughts and efforts on my behalf. As I stated, I've been working with computers since 1964, first in the programming department of TIME, Inc. and in the years since, as a desktop tool at my various jobs and finally when they were available, at home. I am willing to go into the WORKS and change codes if that is what I need to do, I simply need someone to tell me what to put into which box to GET THERE. I have actually opened the Tower and repaired my own physical computers (serendipitously) Ha! by myself. So I am not timid, just clueless as these "operating systems" evolve. Ann Kallal / MaxMuhlin
  4. Thanks, BoltBait . . . and how do I bring up that "saving dialog box" . . . on my HP desktop computer screen? PS . . . I am an 81 year old lady just tryin' to get along in this wild world. Thanks, again. . .
  5. I am a seasoned user of Paint.net - and I use it every day, all day long, and have done so for going on 20 years. I work as an artist, creating content for coloring books, thus many of my images are black and white sketches. HOWEVER, for the purpose of creating manuscript for my publisher, my images are always created as RGB mode and 300 dpi pixel count, 8.5" x 11" page size, and saved as .png files. Lately, when I edit my work for any reason in Paint.net, and simply SAVE the file at the completion of my work it is CONVERTED to Index file mode, often with strange (to me) pixel counts of 37.56 or 118.47 or 762.87 and humongous image dimensions. Is there a way to STOP this from happening? Right now, I must close and save the Paint.net work, then re-open my files in Photoshop, check the file MODE, and change it BACK to RGB (yes, even though the image is a simple black & white sketch, I NEED RGB for my publisher) and very often I must again resize to my 8.5" x 11" page size at 300 dpi, from a HUGE file saved by Paint.net at 37.56 dpi, or 762.87 dpi, or whatever, re-flatten the image, and SAVE again in Photoshop as a .png file before I can go on with my work. Thank you for any and all suggestions! MaxMuhlin Ann K.
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